Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Toewers Blues

blog cover dash newONE MAN & A TOW TRUCK[2]

A long day here in Utah. at least for me, but I think, and its just an estimate , but I think, I’ve got the insurance problem solved. It still is a bit high, but at least I’ll be legal.

Then got a phone call from a philly that wants to be our web site pin up/poster model , dig this, she’s from Idaho. Thing is where was she when we were already up there? We see if that tree bares any fruit.

Then I go to the store. went to Smith’s, on Harrison and 42nd here, to get some grub, bought my roomy a stew and tater salad. Came home. Opened this ready to eat sandwich that I couldn’t even eat it was stale, near expired and while not yet turning green it was nearly there. So ate the chips, apple, cheese stick, and Oreos. Drank two milks, fed the rest of the sandwich to the little cats.

Thought my roomy, was going to be at the Lair here, but he ain’t. No big deal but some notice would be nice. He went off last night to see his other squeeze, in Kearns which he needed. My prediction is he’s going to be living there.

Tried to get some action reaction from our sweet Laura on the problems with Comcast, but my suspicion is that she got chewed out by some higher ups in the deal between my roomy and getting TV put in, so she’s gun shy. No problem, like most things got to do this myself. So I’ll call on Thursday.

It’s nice to have the place to myself again even if its short lived. I can do as I please, do my radio work, and get some money coming in. Without having to find a office/studio somewhere. Reason being if there are any out there in our price range, it wont be found by that PPC outfit, I’ll be damned if I’ll go through them again, although now need to find a realtor that we can deal with.

Just a great day in Utah. See ya’ll on the radio at 02:00AM ,


i am ceo sig 

Quote of the Day:
I got a new keyboard!
Psalm 19:1-2“[Psalm 19] For the director of music. A psalm of David. The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge.”

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