Sunday, June 8, 2014

I’m beginning to think Linc, rick and Charlie was right


Last night after seeing the quotes from two insurance companies on insuring our trucks, I decided to take a night off of HazzardAyre, and go next door for a brew or two with Dave. So we drank I forgot how many barley pops, and at 06:00 this morning decided to go fetch more brewski’s in the form or Clamatos. Along with a 30 pack. So to Smiths we go. Find out no can sell brew at 06:30, have to wait until 07:00. Guess going fishing is not a thing of Smith’s concepts, so we journey across the street to 711 get ALL of what we needed. Went to the creek, no bites, and then hauled back to the Lair as Dave had a wedding he was dreading to go to.

So I went in, soaked my head as much of the brewski’s had began the mini hangover process.

So all I did Saturday was sleep. Thought Jeff was to be in by this evening what with church in the morning but did not surface. Oh well I ain’t his baby sitter.

So then got on line and found my Comcast bill for HazzardAyre. The bill now reads $453.00 . Really, I just paid $115.00 a week ago, current charges are $252.00 which would be our regular bill, but I had thought that I had paid everything up. So Monday, turning off the Mr. Nice passive southern gentleman, and turning on a more more aggressive rebel Marin Wolf posture. Growl a little bit. But that’s just the start.

I have been doing a bunch of thinking over the last week or so. First the idiot Real Estate, guy by the name of Nate who for two months said he was absolutely sure we could get into an office/studio for $200.00 a month or less was just blowing smoke up our butts . The reality the commercial rates here are not much if any less here than in Twin Falls or Burley. Then albeit she did her best we got with Laura at Comcast, as they say built for business, bullstuff, the only business Comcast is built for are business’s that are bringing in $3,000.00 a month, not very small independent business’s and as a online radio station, not at least price wise serving us very well. I thought we were supposed to be getting 150 at least mps broadband volume down, and near 35 to 50mps up, at least I thought that was what we were paying for. Which is why we made the move from Idaho to Utah for. As it is I’m barely hitting 90mps down, and just over 20mps up. Those broadband speeds I could get from Cable-One, out of Idaho. So as you can tell this issue is going to get re-examined.

Okay then, with it all one could say , well hell cut your losses and go home to Idaho. Thing is I’m not so sure Idaho is it, so am looking more at western Wyoming as well as southeastern Idaho first. But for now LexiBelle can sleep where she’s at for a couple more months. Then I can pay for Gen Jax, and then see what’s up . In the meanwhile find office studio space for $200.00 or thereabouts, complete what we came down here for then get my ass out of here. Then in 2016 readdress Helicopter school.

I just hate bait and switch. You get sold one thing, but then when its time to sign the papers , the amounts change.

The claim GEICO puts out for 15 minutes can save you money, must only be good for consumer insurance not commercial. Then not very economical at that. Progressive isn’t much better so gotta shake a few trees on that Monday.

On Comcast, I don’t blame Laura, she did a super job from what she can do, and what she is able to do. Thing is she’s only one person. It would seem that the Internet services are still catching up to technology, or needs and trends. Such as streaming internet broadcasting. There ought to be a Internet rate structured plan , just for streaming Internet broadcasters. Something with the right broadband pipeline capacity, yet economical that’ll allow one to get going full bore before jacking up their rates.

I can remember that day at A1’s yard, when Rick, Charlie, Linc and all said I’d regret moving down here. That things were not as they seemed nor was claimed, and that certain things would be tougher. The only good thing that has happened is I got the Guvernment , to no longer require a payee for me, so that I can handle my own money. Which gives ideas of Wyoming, AllWest Internet/cable/phone, and a bunch of insurance rating and I’ll bet Internet rate less expensive.

As my Friday night barley pop festival, is still making brain in pain, decided to thwart doing anything on HazzardAyre Saturday night into Sunday Morning, but will be on Sunday today later around 09:00.


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Quote of the Day:
Virtue has never been as respectable as money.
--Mark Twain, 19th-century American humorist, author and journalist
Habakkuk 3:19“The Sovereign LORD is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to tread on the heights. For the director of music. On my stringed instruments.”

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