Friday, June 13, 2014

Time away is good for many people


Look I got this southern feller who became my roomy, no not in a queer way, but having him around has not been bad. Help in paying bills, an occasional can of Skoal, or a Pepsi, but there is drama here too.

Seems as though my roomy got a bunch more than he could digest coming here to the state of Seagulls.

I think in the back of his mind he thought he was going to pick up where he and his XOL left off in March. He understood that a daughter was on the way, he wanted to make a family, but his XOL, was not in tune with that, so he went the court route. That didn’t help much. After all , in our so called politically correct society still a fathers rights are forgotten when it’s the mother that’s favored, despite the fact that the mother is nuts and not at all tightly wrapped.

So in this my roomy, found online, some seatcover in Kearns, who he’s seeing quite seriously although he says no, I’m betting in 3 months or less its move in, lets make this home situation is on its way.

The plan of action today was my roomy was supposed to go see his XOL, and newly born daughter. But I get a call at right around 18:00 saying he’s in Kearns. Okay cool. Although I said he’d go there today, but preve eve he said nope. Oh well.

For me its kind of been a relief. A little time with the Lair returning to a sense of normalcy, and peace, where I can be in my shorts rather than having to get on threads simply for decency, and of course doing HazzardAyre.

In my roomy’ situation its part living here , combating earwigs, which if he’d pitch in we could get Terminex in here to rid the problem, but its also the problems of his XOL that’s driving my roomy up the wall, and at this point its not a drive, it’s a short putt. Women are a strange critter. We love to stare at all hours at the ones that just make your jeans wet with wonder, and yet, many of even those would in reality, be constantly needing a tune up.

It’s like I have found this site on Pinterest, that has snazzy gals and while they are great to look and dream about, the possibility of one of those showing up wearing nylon hose is about as much of a mission impossible as me winning the Idaho lottery.

When I posted a ad on Craigslist for a roomy, I had visions of a situation like that of the Big Bang Theory, like minded guys living together, sharing in problems and socializing, little is that what is what I’m living. Oh and there’s no Penny living in the apartment across the hall. Although there is one living across the street that I’d jump in a Hazzard County second, the chance of that really occurring is also a mission impossible.

Now do I think my roomy is on his way out? Its possible, hope not cause for simple economics I could use the extra $200.00 a month plus cable TV, but if it relieves his mind to live at a distance from the XOL(eX-Old-Lady) to mend his mind and emotions with something other than some barking church members who you know at least one has a friend in the legal profession that could step in but seems like they are not going to. I thought of getting the club’s legal eagles involved , but my roomy is not yet even a prospect member yet so no can do that, but here’s the thing, if my roomy stays, I gotta find a place elsewhere for the radio operation, since it keeps him and neighbors awake. Or if he goes, kick this up a bit.

Supposedly this XOL of his was to come over here. Bullstuff, ain’t no woman going to come over here where this high octane kaynyne lives. After all few Red Ryding Hoods are going to enter the Lair of this big bad Wolf(sign off) can’t understand why, I never thought I was that spooky, but maybe there’s an unseen vibe I exert that says PREDITOR , not that I have ever hurt a woman in any, and I repeat ANY way. But what we see of ourselves is not always what others see in us. I once thought of just tattooing the words PREDITOR on my forehead, that way it’d remove all questions. Or at least be a conversation starter.

Any way home alone, just hope my roomy gets his situation cured. It’s too bad a gal has to be so damn weird on visitation, controlled by mom and dad, but where have I heard and seen that before? Could it be Suzi, my XOL, turned Dyke, who brought my son into the world. Both Suzi’s parents couldn’t stomach someone as wyld as me, who was not going to accept a guy who turns a wrench and runs a tow truck during the day, does radio at night and holds the rank of Area Commander of the Knytes-of-Anarchy(RodeKnytes) of three western states.

When my son was born the only way I knew about it was some big old cb radio busy body informed me of it. Second, unlike my roomy, I had the legal resources to make my XOL deliver and let me be with my son. Too bad my roomy does not have that option.

Production of Klassik Hookers & Haulers, the subject of an upcoming entry.


sign off KNYTES WINGS X 2

Quote of the Day:
When something can be read without effort, great effort has gone into its writing.
--Enrique Jardiel Poncela
Luke 11:13“If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!””

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