Sunday, June 15, 2014

That was a fast departure and to think I spent a full day waiting and not eating

HAZZARDAYRE COVERcooters phootenotes

Well it looks like we lost another talent, which if it wasn’t expected, I’d be really upset, but its just par for the course.

I spent all day Saturday waiting for our new applicant, not taking time to go eat or going to the shop to work on my trucks, nope I stayed right here.

By the time she showed up it was a quick meet and greet and she was gone. Glad I didn’t book anything or I’d have egg on my face again.

Somewhere in this state of several hundred thousand, there’s got to be a open minded lady of a maturity level age, that wants to make $200.00 minimum , with a base pay of $1,000.00 a month retainer. So far though its turning up zilch. Makes one think I’m in Tweaker Flatts.

Except at least in Tweaker Flatts at least most new applicants at least came , dressed for the part and at least got through a full interview.

The difference between there and here and now, I have the full checkbook in my hands, its no longer going through a second party like club treasurer.

But its Kat’s loss. Like I said eventually , hopefully before the summer ends, there'll be a gal who can look past the church or usual blinders and pose with a truck , in front of the console like this>just me and erinand take a snap shot, to enhance the website. Actually I’m thinking of using some old pics just for that purpose.

The thing that bothers me is, I spent all damn day Saturday, waiting, calling, waiting for Kat, when I could have been working on my trucks or for that matter producing the show.

If Kat is an aspiring model, and if she stands others up like she did us, considering we’re more than just amateur's , she’ll be blackballed by every production company in the region and and even nation. Hell I didn’t even get to go to Dee’s for the cheese soup. Ya’ll have to try that to understand, that stuff is Gooood.

So I wrote her an adios letter and will get in touch with some others that I’ve been keeping on hold.



Quote of the Day:
If you aren't living on the edge, then you are taking up too much space.
Psalm 103:13“As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him;”

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