Friday, June 13, 2014

Might be a thought, learn to be a blacksmith and shoe horses, rather than toew.


Its easy not to look and hear what’s going on in Iraq right now. There’s terrorists that even Al Quida are scared of, invading that part of the world, killing anything and everything in their way. While many of you are sitting in your warm homes watching Lizard Lick Towing, and a few running toews, dig this, those folks over yonder are increasing in numbers, and will soon, cut off or restrict the flow of that black gold, that makes or rigs run.

Forget the research and all on Ethanol and Soy Diesel, Obamabeenlyin don’t care of any of that and neither does Bidden. That whole bunch of treason, minded crooks in DC are just riding the float, but don’t want nothing to do with protecting you nor I.

It might come down to two forms of travel. Horse, and horse & buggy. Not car nor truck or even tow truck.

The situation could be fixed, but not as long as the pantywaisters in DC and the nations rent a government leaders who are too scared of leading, rather they’d rather just sit, collect tax money, have sex off the books on those interns and starlets and let those terrorists invade, then they’ll slap em on the back and ask those folks , “where have you been?” Sure we just freed several terrorists for one lost soldier, and I mean no disrespect to Boew, but damn it, now there’s several more sympathizers in Iraq and that part of the nation, ready to stand up and beat us back up. There’s Americans , with American passports headed over there now on a better deal than our own military is giving our own Marines, Navy and other military members.

In the days to come if I can , that we’re not already taken over, I’m going to start a CNP(Confederate-National-Party) Movement to impeach Obama and Bidden, and lets get someone like Ben Jones or Charlie Daniels, in charge. Get some ammo, some guns on a big scale and stop this before it can escalate.

Other wise, it’ll be a situation of instead of fixing trucks and cars, and instead of toewing, it’ll be shoeing horses, and fixing wagons. And maybe shoveling horseshit,.

As for the show, I am under the weather, I have the stomach flu something terrible, so I’m taking meds and sleeping. See ya’ll at 13:00 Saturday.



Quote of the Day:
Women like silent men. They think they're listening.
--Marcel Archard
Philippians 3:20“But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ,”

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