Monday, June 2, 2014

Interstate Hooker on the prowl


Relief from unknown areas. Cable TV via roomy. not bad hose~ works for me.

Seems as much as anyone does something for us in toewing, it seems there is a ton or two of imitators or at least Monkey see, Monkey do types. Case in point. When I created my company in 1978, I named it Highway Hooker Towing. Guess what , several other hooker type handles popped up. Did I get any credit or money for intellectual property? No. Then came our efforts at revitalizing the older towing newspaper, PhooteNotes. Guess what some guy who had a low level truck want ad publication called TruckTrader. Which he added TR FootNotes. Did anyone come to the Rode Knytes Association and say thanks for the inspiration? Much less , all the time I was in Idaho I got TR FootNotes, but since I have been here in Utah, even with several attempts to sign up, haven’t yet seen one issue. However TR FootNotes has become more of a RepoNotes. Little to do with serious towing, which I have since renewed my sub to Tow Times. You’d think that one company, that is 36 years old, owned by the same person(me) with the same truck I started with with 39 added truck in 8 locations split between Idaho and Utah, albeit with different company names, but still Highway Hooker (respelled on purpose) Toewing would get some added respect. But no. That’s okay, inside I’m still the toew truckin, radio guy, that fly’s with Hazzard County Hillbilly roots. But then there is the foot, mostly toe/tow thing.

I did not invent the idea, of swapping out the letters e, for W or W for E, but I have expanded on the idea. The concept fell right in with the very leggy Daisy Duke, Hazzard County image for the company. Many people think I get some thrill sexually or such of smooching a woman's stinky or at least oderiffic toes, especially wearing nylon hose. The nylon thing was thrown in for two reasons, one its albeit only slightly, but more sanitary of me smooching toes for the idea of we luv toews>IJUSTLOVETOEWSbut it gets the idea across that no matter weather, time of day or time of year when the phone rings or the call on ye old CB comes that someone needs a tow , we are all especially me happy to go. The combining the words came from an intern radio host in Gooding. One day Emme Lee said why not just scrunch the words together that illuminates the confusion. It did. The reason was , long before Gooding when the original radio show for us who toew came to fruition, legendary radio personality Bill Mack , kept mispronouncing the word TOW and rhymed it with the word COW. So I had to send a email with the two words TOE and TOW and said you pronounce the word TOW like the word TOE. And that’s how that happened. The tag we luv toews has been our trade mark, for at least 20 of the 36 years we have been in business. But auditioning the quirky shot with female talent usually turns off most women and makes most talent agencies nervous. But at every audition I really look at the feet and especially toes. Since the toes are the focal point is the toes, not the entire foot. It’s a shot that I got from watching Cinderella when the prince put on the glass slipper, I thought I have an idea. Today I proudly run the same ad with the same great gal, that had only two questions on one phone call when I mentioned the idea, her response was simply , Pantyhose or stockings? Like there is a difference? Guess so.

Today the ad looks like this>promo shot And no one has looked back. Now if I can just get TMG of Salt Lake City/Murray Utah to recognize that’s it a bit and nothing self serving , I’ll have seen progress in limited simple thinking.

Since we started doing that of course I have become somewhat of a feet in stockings aficionado. Why is it so important? On camera even with digital editing, slight imperfections to the plain eye is nothing to that camera a bunion, or hammer toe, looks like the nose on Rudolph. Too big a feet looks tacky, even a size 6 with the right toes can look classy. Its being a slight bit kinky without going overboard. And why do we need this?

Most of the subsidiaries as well as the mother company of Highway Hooker Toewing, long ago except for ISP/WHP/UHP, we are not on city and county law enforcement towing rotation or call out lists. We go for being the preferred company people want to call , rather than the one that is none preference. To do that we need to be a bit more progressive, aggressive and over the top a bit in advertising and marketing. So from billboards, to newsrag ads to TV ads, that smooch on the toes in hose, by LexiBelle>Lexi in green< puts the image in a potential customers mind, as well as our current customers memory. Thus when they need to get hooked, They may not always remember the company name , but they remember the guy kissing a gals toes by a toew truck. And we get calls.

Now to close this out and I’ll expand on it l8r, HazzardAyre Radio will be adding our old radio show for us who toew. Called; Interstate Hooker Radio, replacing Highway Hooker Radio. Reason? Some said that by running the show seemed to self serving for Highway Hooker Toewing we we tweaked it a bit.

The premier of Interstate Hooker Radio will start this October with visuals on our channel.

Until this evening,


wolf tag  toew blog

Quote of the Day:
If you aren't living on the edge, then you are taking up too much space.
Hebrews 9:28“so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.”

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promo shot pleasent view tail


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