Monday, June 2, 2014

A Snag and Drag Monday ahead


It looks like a Snag and Drag Monday ahead. Weatherbug reports rain this afternoon, increasing to heavy rain Tuesday, so I’d be willing to guess we’ll get busy just after lunch time.

This past weekend was good, not as much volume as I’d have expected , but 24 tows is good enough. I told ya’ll things would start getting better. Once LexiBelle is down here, and we have all our ads and all the promo stuff done the volume should increase.

Gotta go down yonder to Layton in the early AM, to pay on Comcast, then SSI to get that paperwork done so should be at quarters around 15:00 or so.

For those wondering cuzz its been all over the squawk box, right now the young seatcover down at Karen's is just a good gal pal, could go further , but a gal with child is a bit heavy duty for the old Wolf here. I’m taking Devin’ idea and see where it goes from there.

Remember the buy if it goes , of Karen’ if it goes, is a club gig, not ours. Its Maj. Mason’ deal, and while we all support him and the club we are just spectators right now, so don’t open your mouths about anything there.

I tried to put something up on that I’m Proud to Be a Member of the towing Profession, but it most likely will not go very far. Seems to me like a bunch of eastern ass kissers there and little else. They must not like older tow trucks and us with mucho toew years under our britches.

Finally got some response from TowBabes, that will cost us , but putting up pics of LexiBelle, Sugar, WolfPup, and RoadWolf, should get some tungs waggin, especially with babes posing with em. Speaking of which I’ll get in touch with TMG and Vickie this week, find out where we stand there and see what it’ll take to move forward.

And on Jeff, we’ll see. Rent by Tuesday, or he’s outta here.


toew blog wolf tag

Quote of the Day:
If you want to be miserable, think about yourself, about what you want, what you like, what respect people ought to pay you and what people think of you.
--Charles Kingsley
Hebrews 9:28“so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.”

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