Thursday, June 12, 2014

One of those days

blog cover dash newHAZZARDAYRE BLUES

It’s been one of those days. What started as a small thing, developed into a near full system melt down. But some all day tech work we’re getting going for a all night haul on HazzardAyre Radio starting at 3:00AM.

So I get this call from a hottie from Pocatello, that works by the way at one of those insurance dispatch companies for us in toewing. Which means someone that knows albeit just a small amount, but has  some Idea of what we do and why we’re on radio even though our radio is online, plus the fact that we are everyday out there responding to those service calls.

So the short part is, this gal is coming down, Saturday. My only recommendation as I tell applicants, want to work on air, in print and on video for us, more over me? Wear nylons, both for this>promo shotas well as this>sweet angelit just makes the setting look better. No hose, no job.

Okay then, tried to feed the kittys, but the who glaring wanted in on the can of tuna, so Little Kat, got little food, so gotta figure out a way to feed her without the rest getting it. Reason Little Kat needs more food, she’s got babies and she’s nursing so she needs food to lactate.

So I tried to download ZoneAlarm again, but now you have to deal with an offer. So going to OfficeMax buy the damn thing and install it that way, say good bye to free software.

Then caught a comment from some hardly dry behind the ears college gal on one of my Yahoo news articles. Seems as though A; she does not tune into the radio show, two she knows little of Southern heritage, and as always she associates southern heritage and history with racism. Hey I say welcome anyone into the hood, but poodles don’t breed with wolves, and this old wolf ain’t breeding with a chawawa, know what I mean?

See you on air, for those who don’t know, its


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Quote of the Day:
The thing I hate about an argument is that it always interrupts a good discussion.
--G.K. Chesterton
Luke 11:13“If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!””

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