Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Networks reaching for talent and shows


Have you noticed how shallow and scarce talent is and how many new season shows are biting the sand even before they gain any traction?

Jennifer falls on TVLAND is one. It’s a redoux of My Name Is earl only with a slightly upticked cast. One I picked out as the mother from the Disney Channel’s Jessie. The pool is very shallow and yet one can’t understand that while there are series out there just oozing with fans, like the Dukes, like BJ & The Bear, that for some odd unknown reason no rerun channel even Hulu hasn’t recognized or picked up. Of course Hulu wisely grabbed Airwolf which is outside of a few episodes has been elevated(no pun intended) to their paid subscription service.

Of course if you were casting a series, you’d be hard pressed to find any new talent. Even us here at Confederate Steele Media, has fell victim to no available able talent. There’s a bunch out there aspiring to become the next mega star, FoX’s American Idol and NBC’s America’s Got Talent, is trying to unearth talent the good ones are just not out there.

Constrained by con artists, murders, rapes, and even worse, what talent there is, is so spooked you can’t get em to come to an audition. Even if the show for an audition, its us that has to constantly contact the agencies to get em off their pretentious rock, and get em to a real workout.

Its not just Utah.

In Idaho, the same thing was evident. Oh they call, set a interview, but when it comes to really go into studio, to do a on air radio run, it’s a ton of excuses, but never show.

I complaign a lot of new media. The TV stations are crunching numbers for ad revenue, that is hidden, the reason being, no advertisers. Why? Simple , nothing to get behind.

About the only stations not in this situation is such stations as Park City TV, KCSG that runs METV, and of course the two in Twin Falls that runs FamilyNet and RFDTV. Why are these stations not crying the ad revenue blue’s? Simple proven TV series, that one can feel good about sitting the kids and family down to watch.

The current batch of shows on most networks will not see a second much less a third season.

There is just no plots, nothing to get your mind wrapped around.

Now it used to be especially after midnight, shows on of all places the Disney Channel. All those episodes I already have on video. So why watch a second or third time? There are some like Radio Rebel, and the Tinkerbelle series, that allow you to tune out of reality to a degree and escape into a world of imagination. But isn’t that what TV is supposed to do? Boldly take you where you’ve never gone before? Even the Star Trek adventures. Ever since the confusion of JJ Abrahams now doing Star Wars rather than continuing the new Star Trek series of motion pictures, which I’d like to see molded into TV, which it should ScyFy, is gone. The only repeat show with any horsepower is the Big Bang Theory, but we’re even loosing that next season. This season, we are loosing Sons of Anarchy, trouble is there’s nothing on the boards to replace SOA, with at least SOA’s quality. So where do you go for entertainment on TV?

That in my next entry.



Quote of the Day:
The secret pleasure of a generous act Is the great mind’s great bribe.
--John Dryden
Psalm 19:1-2“[Psalm 19] For the director of music. A psalm of David. The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge.”

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