Saturday, June 14, 2014

Summer was nice while it lasted

HAZZARDAYRE COVERcooters phootenotes

This morning at around 11:00 hours I awoke, mainly because of the pending meeting tween Kat and I here at the Wolf’s Lair for the purpose of casting her into the spot of covergirl for HazzardAyre Radio.

So I warmed up the coffee pot, and stepped outside for a pinch of Skoal, and found that it was chill out, so put on something a bit heavier shirt wise.

So now I have been awake since noon, and still no Kat. Am I worried? No but I am a bit concerned, but hey there’s others. Just got to cast a wider net to glean more fish so-to-speak.

So why do we need a Covergirl? go look at the streaming site itself, the screen there is blank, it needs some racy spice. So we need the model talent.

Tother day had a associate say something along the lines this would go further faster if ya’ll was in an office setting. I reply with the same thing I have always said, when there’s enough people outside of the club involved. On air talent , models etc, not to mention the ad dollars , I’ll be happy to relocate this operation. Until there the staff, and all in essence the need, HazzardAyre will stay right here in the Wolf’s Lair. The name Wolf’s Lair comes from the TV show of my on radio handle and in the air call sign AyreWolf(Airwolf)>1475937_551304734963775_1011688904_nwhich is where the Lady(AirWolf) 311821_332889463471971_926533141_nrests until they need it. In this case its where I rest until I’m needed which here lately has been all too much.

Seems we waited all year for what is supposed to be spring, but that was really rained out, then we switched to extra warm, not hot yet but extra warm. I was taught as a kid and a few episodes of HR Puff & Stuff, that it gets warmer going south and colder going north. Thing is here this year and for the last few years its warmer in both Boise and Hazzard itself than Ogden/Salt Lake City. The rule now is go north get warm , go south freeze, bet its confusing the birds, don’t ya’ll think?

Well Kat is on her way, so I’ll sign out for now, but I’ll be back in after awhile.



Quote of the Day:
For Sweetest things turn sourest by their deeds; Lilies that fester smell far worse than weeds.
--William Shakespeare
Philippians 3:20“But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ,”

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