Monday, June 9, 2014

Don’t judge that of which you don’t know

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Don’t judge a person from what you see outside or from the surface.

Example: Jack Simplot who founded Micron Technology, had I can’t count sulfur mines and a wealth that could choke a plow horse, never except on some very rare occasions wore a shirt and tie. His most treasured task of a day was going out to a big tater field with a shovel, plastic dam, and irrigating in a 51 Chevy truck that was in worse condition than that of WolfPup, yet could buy places and things on a whim. But if you saw him many today would say he’s a bum.

Another example, if you saw my former boss and still dear friend Charlie of A1 in Twin Falls, except for the near new truck he drives, he never wears a shirt and tie, just a uniform shirt, the same pull over hoodie and such the rest of us wore, yet could buy any place and anything in Twin Falls. I was with him one day when he passed by a construction equipment dealer saw a $150k backhoe and bought it, just because he wanted to. Yet on the outside you'd say he was a bum.

Me not so lucky, yet I do okay. Yet many think this old fart is blowing smoke, not realizing that with a few phone calls and a club vote just about anything within a $15, million dollar price the club will buy. Just because I suggest it. In today’s society one can’t judge, or shouldn’t. But dig this, I’m very comfortable, I get up when I want, I go to sleep when I want, I eat what I want and where I want, My bills except for a select few, and even those are within reason are paid, I could just sit and do nothing. Yet I made a pledge to the Knytes back in 1974 at the reformation of the club, that I would serve that membership to the best of my ability as such such things as HazzardAyre, and ClubMajor are at the top of the list, but lets not forget the Hazzard Nationals(aka DukesFest West) or HazzardAyreTV an alternative more open minded unplugged TV station that’ll run on Internet at first. Of course there is the projects to make the public aware of challenges of us in towing such as the Move Over project, Or the classic tow truck video, that we have been casting of which we reached out to a few gals that display themselves on TowBabes yet have not yet bothered to call. Guess $200.00 an hour plus airfare and gratuities is not enough. Nor is the few talent agencies that are in Metro-Utah. Yet I know from experience, once the ball is rolling bet your next oil change they’ll be here asking how can we get involved?

Sarah from PPC emailed me today with a place that is way too small for our needs, so am planning on inquiring about Karen’ Café Tuesday. Maybe looking in Layton or Clearfield might make more sense. After all much of Ogden has moved there. I know that the old Greyhound bus terminal is sitting still on 24th street, yet no response from PPC yet. You’d think that someone who served in the USN, would be more responsive to a full bird Colonel of the USMC when I inquire. Maybe she forgot that.

All I can say is this, when you see and meet and greet someone for the first time, even when what they’re driving is several years old, but paid for, don’t judge them, the surface might not be what’s really underneath .

More L8R Ya’ll


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Quote of the Day:
I’ll note you in my book of memory.
--William Shakespeare
Matthew 7:13-14“[The Narrow and Wide Gates] “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”

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