Thursday, June 5, 2014

How about dropping the R Bomb?


We already heard all about the trash talk coming from Justin Bieber, on the N bomb or saying the N word. My question is simply what’s the big fuss? Okay Justin Bieber is a jerk, and a boewdagget needing to be wiped away, but the thing is why not start reversing the word in a way that becomes somewhat comical?

Example. Years ago, the word Redneck was a word thrown around at us who live in the Kountry. The term came from sunburned necks on farmers working the fields all day. We were proud of what we did, and as a people, but the phrase Redneck was hurtful. It was insulting, but then we all started joking around with it, to the point that a aspiring comedian Jeff Foxworthy, made a set of comic bits called , “ You know you’re a Redneck If” shortly after it was not any longer an insult but a source of pride and laughter. Question I have is why can’t the African American community make the N word comical, and stop being so damn touchy about it?

The things of the KKK, and all of that surly was wrong and hateful, but that said, how about turning the thing around and confound Mr. Bieber and start making the so called N word a comic bit?

There’s surly a bunch more important things going on in this nation, and world, instead of so much media coverage over a stupid punk, trying to regain some sense of celebrity in insulting African American’s. Bottom line here grow up, move on, and don’t give Mr. Bieber the satisfaction. It’s just like some of that community getting all head up over the new license plates now being issued by the state of Georgia, for the benefit of the Sons of Confederate Veterans and the southern heritage community of which I can proudly say I’m part of. The media jumped on the situation, but why not get mainline media coverage over say the Confederate National Party, or the work that the SOCV and KOA are doing to regain some liberty in this nation?

Seems as though anytime somebody belches some odd thing about colored people, the media and all are all over it.

The Mexican American community, learned how to have some fun and comedy over their misjudged image and traditions. So why can’t the Blacks get over the past and say hey lets laugh at this?

Until Menyanna,


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Quote of the Day:
Men achieve a certain greatness unawares, when working to another aim.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson
1 Thessalonians 5:11“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”

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