Friday, July 15, 2016

There is just a time when you have to turn off your cell phone and tell your better half to just shut up

So here I am, busting my knuckles trying to refit a switch panal on old LexiBelle, and who starts calling? Shelly. It was that way from the very early parts of the morning. I groove on the early morning good morning thing, but after awhile and always running the battery in my phone exchanging texts and all it gets to be a bit much. Then there's always the thing about me doing the wyld thing with some other gal here, yea like that's really going to happen. Ain't interested to begin with, ain't in the mood for it in the second, and third, who the hell here in Etown, wants this old, tired , chubby body of mine any how? She just don't understand even the most simple of concepts, especially ones in an adult scene. She doesn't get a grip, that I'm going through some heavy duty stuff right now, and I'm busting my ass at this shop from near sun up, to sun down.
She doesn't understand and most likely no woman could, understand, that LexiBelle is, will be and into the future is the main love in my life. That old tow truck embodies everything I hold dear and sacred on Earth, it holds in it, what's left of a mini empire of my family, my Mom and Dad, and has been everywhere and done everything I do. Of course Heavenly Father and the USMC and my USMC unit are the first and second things or what I hold dear, but LexiBelle is everything to me. Only a combat fighter pilot, or a long haul over the road trucker could understand. The old rig that has carried me over more mountains and bridges my past with my present and future, is one thing at least to me worth preserving, no matter the cost. 
But this goes beyond that. Shelly lives in one of the largest cities in Florida, she lives in the backyard of her Aunt and Uncles, and she doesn't have many if any real friends. She's often pushed back out of the way into a corner and kind of like the family dog, told to just go lay down and quit barking is the normal. So she gets on the one thing she loves that being her damn cell phone, and texts me nearly from sun up to sun down. After awhile, I just need to say shut the fuck up, I need peace and quiet. Sometimes like this evening I just have to shut off my cell phone. And hope who ever is on Sheriff dispatch knows to call one of my landlines to get me going towing. Beyond that I don't want to hear that damn phone. 
So I went to Arby's here in ETown, and wouldn't you know it, the crap crew was working. Seems no matter the business here in Etown, that there is that one crew. 
Now I could see a goof up on a slightly more complicated order, but a BLT? Burned bacon, wilted rabbit food, tomato sour, the curly fries undercooked. Of course I understand , here are people who are barely getting minimum wage, are not to intelligent to begin with, and have all but the right attitude. It's good I don't run the place, I'd give all the boot. Okay I know theres heavy shit going on in the world and all, but can't any of these young ones even get a simple fast food order right? Same thing that I encountered at McDonalds this morning. Up to today they have had a great morning crew, even this one rather hot gal, at the front counter. Good mood, likes to chat, and gets the order right. Not this morning, had a bunch of beaners both male and female working along with a Mexicali manager. Guess one needs to speak Mexican to get a food order in right, copy? 
I don't know what's to become of Shelly and I, she's a laugh a minute most of the time. Fun as hell to tease and all, but she's running on a severe stripped timing chain, and that concerns me. Of course I'll end up with her again, but long after she pays her debt to the Knytes, and way before I say I do, she's going in for a mental tune up. 
She's got to get off this jealousy trip, like I said, besides her, who the hell wants to be up close and personal with me? I ain't nothing special. I'm a reassigned Marine combat pilot, with a High school diploma , that is a fair shade tree mechanic. The fact that I do just about everything outlaw, and am a none conformist, anti establishment and fight the system at every turn don't make me special or even a celebrity. Although I do a radio show that's online. What I do know is how to tow and I tow well. That's me, so why would any woman be jealous of that? 

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