Thursday, July 21, 2016

Dare to be different , dare to write

Over a days activities I will check on my Facebook newsfeed, to see if something came across either for my own tow and bike business or something I can glean for the radio show. What I see is the same sewage just a different hour. A few postings of videos swiped from somewhere else. Funny when I use something, like a prerecorded clip, I have to get permission to use it, or have to pony up serious money to use it. Guess Facebook protects its subscribers against copyright infringements, like YouTube does. Don't think so, upload something with a known song or presentation and watch your email inbox and see if there's not a message that says the someone filed a claim. Its all money. The thing is I guess it depends if its a mainstream viewer and/or a broadcaster. Thing is the organization pays out just over $600k, each year to the various clearing services to make sure we're in compliance. But its the same thing I see in my inbox on my email. I'll see one big article rewritten but the same thing, on at least 6 of my news briefs, from trade publications. Even copied from one to another of the same publisher. Why not just write one article, or write something new. Or don't repeat it 10 damn times. Of course Facebook is the same thing. Even worse. So many dorks placing the same junk 20 damn times and yet once was enough for many of those.
Speaking of that. If you live where I do, you might have seen KSL TV talking about their A-Team. Guess what? Who the hell besides the exact TV show, it was our group that came up with the AyreWolf ATeam, nearly 10 years ago. Hey KSL pony up you ripped something from us. But that's not just KSL doing that, I remember back several years ago, our crew at A1 responded to a heavy truck accident. We reported on it on our early edition of HazzardAyre. Guess what ? KMVT 11 not only copied the news story, but reported it word, by word, from what I had said and wrote. Did anyone say, this information courtesy of HazzardAyre ? Nope. It's not that I need the cash that bad or that we should be gave a slap on the back saying job well done all the time, but an occassional, nod in our direction would be nice. These TV news outfits will bitch to high Heaven if we ask them to do up a story on motorists crowding us out when we are doing a tow or recovery job, or rescuing a stranded motorist, yet they can't even give OUR  News crew or reporters, a nod when they swipe something from us. 
I'll be on the air at midnight and then at 06:00 in the morning.

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