Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Cyber bullying is alive and well and if your a white older male there's not one damn thing you can do about it.

We are truly in a different time and era. What should be easy or should be a path to cure a bad itch from a cyber pest Case-n-point; over the last couple of days I posted that the town I will not call it a city, but the town of Evanston, Wyoming ought to be bombed or at least swept off the face of the earth. Not that I myself would commit such a deed since I don't really care, the best course is to remove myself from the environment causing the problem, right? That would seem like the purrfect course of action, but nope by Internet and our wonderful Facebook, amongst other so called un social sites, the cyber pests keep trolling and posting crap on ANY place or PAGE or site that allows comments. Mostly false things they have no idea about or maybe just partly. Any time I go online they seem to go there. 
Now I truly will when I find out who that Beaver Dick and/or wyosleuth  is, I don't care the time, place or weapon, even if its my own hands, they are in fact dead. I will enjoy expiring their lives. Anybody else , I don't really care about, and not anyone else's bother. 
So at around 16:45 hours, the wonderful Evanston pd shows up here at the Wolf's Lair, explaining I can't make threats. But what if its someone else pushing my buttons, to the point of extreme rage that I finally give in my need to get tribal? But no that's wrong, but the same cops can't figure out who these two other dopes are and tell them to back off or back out. No I'm an adult WHITE male, that's near 60 years old. For me its okay that these twerps can pester me, but if I express any thought of retribution I get a visit from the cops. 
Now if I were a female , or a teen , tween, or of some minority, African American Espanic or Asian, and especially Muslim , you can bet your next tank of diesel that the same cops would be bothering Beaver Dick and/or WyoSleuth in a Hazzard County second and most likely issuing a citation. 
Here's the thing though, and its not just Evanston although its worse here than any place I have shacked up, I had some buttheads in Mountain Home Idaho that decided to get up my hairy ass. However once I moved to Buhl, and Burley then to Twin Falls, none of those assholes ever commented or bothered me at all. Could that why the Club's cash flow was better as well as my own? 
I didn't have any shit here or at least it was low, until this little fartknocker applied for an open air spot on HazzardAyre Radio. When I explained to him he was not the right gender nor had looks he suggested his mom apply. Except his mom looked like Aunt Hagatha from some childhood horror novel. Whew Fugdugly. So after that it was hammer my ass online. 
Sorry but HazzardAyre has certain standards and they will be maintained. 
Different subject for a different time. But for those that comment without facts, why not just come look, and make peace? Its like when I went to Wendell High School in Wendell Idaho. There was this giant of a guy named Tracey West. He pestered me to no end. Until one day I had , had just so much, and called him out. And we had a real fight. It was mostly a draw, but funny, after that Tracey and I became great friends and soon after he was patched into the Knytes. Same thing at Hazzard High. There was this little prick named George Freeman. He was a constant pain in my ass, until one day again, I had just so much, and I exploded. After a few busted ribs, pierced lung, and a few other injuries, (all Georges) and once Mrs. Hackney pulled me off the little snot nosed 4 eyed freak of nature, we made up the next day, and George became a great friend. 
Now do I expect that from Beaver Dick or WyoSlueth? No, but it would be nice to see my accuser. 
Cyber bullying is just not that simple. The bully is someone that hides behind a computer screen, craves the pleasure of pissing me off, or anyone to the breaking point, and then someone unleashes their anger. 
School kids do this; I know of some serious mass shootings and such in many places in our nation. Even a queer night club in Orlando, or a movie theater in Colorado. And I'll bet much if not all of that could have prevented if some cop or somebody would have recognized a situation and took action LONG before something exploded. 
In Idaho and I don't know any other state in the region doing this, but in Idaho especially around Twin Falls, there's an extension from a mental health firm there that assigns someone who is having emotional or adjustment problems a person called a PSR. 
Or a Psychosocial Rehab Specialist. My great friend and once intern Nurse GoodBody got me in touch with an outfit that assigned me this big lug named Todd. Who twice a week would visit and we'd talk about stuff that was bothering me or social dysfunctional things I might be going through. I had a private sounding board, at first I resented Todd, but over time, I adjusted only twice did I give him the boot, but the thing is be it Twin, Bliss, Buhl or Burley, Todd was my friend as well as someone that I could talk to about just personal things. 
It wasn't until he moved to Boise to pursue another line of medicine, that the only two people that I could talk to or that would pull me up by the boot straps and help me stay on a partly peaceful environment was Rick the President of the Knytes and Charlie Legg of A1. When I moved to Utah, and lost them except by extension of a cell phone and occassional visit, is when I started drifting. Here lately its been a real hassle and sore life. Yes I'm getting my butt outta here and regaining that glue that held me together once. Too bad I have to move back to Idaho, mainly Twin Falls to do it. 
The move here to Evanston has become a near 2 year mistake, and one that was forced , however it makes it harder to find new quarters when you get assholes like Beaver Dick, and/or Wyosleuth posts shit that makes my credibility go into the toilet. 
No its okay for a near 60 white male to get cyber bullied, but let that near 60 white male make a stand and you get visited by the cops. However if I were a minority or female, it'd be the cyber bullies that would get visited by the cops. 

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