Saturday, July 30, 2016

Let's talk about the difference between absolute Stupid and arrogant as opposed to being Crazy

Let's talk about being Crazy, and or unorthodox as opposed to being stupid or arrogant. For that matter ignorant. While one can, and many do throw the shoe at Government for clitches in our educational systems, some can throw the other shoe at modern culture and a drift from God or a Supreme entity , still I want to say its all of the above a long with people just not really giving a shit. Unless a situation or condition directly affecting them, they do not really care. In business this condition, hits square in the eyes of children, or hardly dry behind the ears of people who, have no idea of how to be a manager, or a people person. The none people persons should never , ever be put on the front lines or at a check out stand, and having little ambition or willingness to correct a thing or to ask help, when it becomes obvious they haven't a clue. 
Let me give you an example , or two. The first lies at the feet of a gal at our Evanston Wyoming Walmart. Last night after the LONG trip to Farmington, Utah to fetch an old Chevy of my ancient cousin Bud, I wanted 4 things, two gallons of milk, a pre prepared Chefs Salad, and a thing of Dish soap, and dishwasher soap, so I could clean up my dishes and me after I ate. 
Got up to the checkstand, swiped my EBT card twice, the old bat behind the checkstand said no money on card. Funny , I thought in my head when I checked it the same morning it had $83.00 on it, where did that go. So got home , checked it both by phone and by computer, sure as hell $83.92 on the card. Too pooped to care, ate, cleaned up went to bed. So then I decided to go over to Smith's here,. Got what I came for partly, but their salads were all but spoiled, wilted, not very appetizing. But I made a purchase on the EBT card, sure enough no problemo. With the receipt in hand went over to Walmart tonight, explained that someone there owed me $10.00 that I had to pay out of pocket for my dinner the previous night. Still out the $10.00 but I can tell you this, shit's going to hit the fan Monday morning and someone's jobs are on the line. The amount of absolute stupid is becoming absolutely epidemic. Walmart is known for hiring those, that are stupid and or challenged both mentally as well as physically. Yet couldn't a bit of crainial upgrading be attained? People in retail especially the younger ones, think that their wages comes from the big deep pockets of their employer. The fact is, is people like me and the greater public are the ones supplying that employer with the needed funds to pay, that paycheck. When I was in school it was called Social Studies, today the class has other names, but don't they teach even a miniscule amount of commerce? Granted I'm not the best speller, nor the greatest mathmatician but damn I can read, write well enough to do a blog, and just write, and I know how to figure up a price for the work I do for other people towing and/or fixing their bikes and trucks. I too have my times of stupid, but even if I fail once, I keep trying to improve and learn, and I have never gave up. Just like the radio gig and/or the towing business. Sure I could give up one for the other. Thing is I know that going towing is the better course, since radio is an option for most people, while being stalled or needing a road side rescue when their ride conks out, is a need. But I also know that the fight for the Cause of Dixie is worth it, so I do the radio gig. I am smart, I am quick, and I can do things most can't and I understand that. It's like when I was a young Wolf pup, after my mom had me tested for IQ and so on, she told me its okay to be more intelligent than other people, just don't make it so obvious, since it usually makes them feel inferior, and insulted and thus makes them angry towards you>(me) . The thing of being Crazy, has more to having a bit more daring and not really caring what others think. Being brave enough to attempt things that few dare. But being Crazy is not being stupid. 
These are the things we'll be talking on at 11:00AM on Cooter's Coast2Coast FM.

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