Thursday, July 21, 2016

The need for another Phootenotes, Why go through the mud doing a movie ? Simple Stern did it, and so we will too.

I was asked through an email to detail our film project before they'd put the casting up on their website. While I don't mind giving a short outline , I will not give the intimate details, no film maker will or would, in the words of many you'll just have to watch the movie. The crux of making a film, of our organization aka the Club, aka the Knytes-of-Dixie/Hazzard County Knytes, came just after Howard Stern did his movie Private Parts, detailing his rise from obscurity, to a super star in and on radio. However we also wanted to show that just because you wear a biker vest or cut, with a patch, your not an outlaw out killing people and such activities as TV series's like our beloved SOA did. Sure SOA could have left that out, and yes many of us do follow in those footsteps, in loyalty tests, and membership brethren and sisters, and yes our membership is of such as we consider all our members, their families , wives and all as one big family watched over by us all. 
From the Club's inception we have always been the organization that did the impossible with little resources, but still got it done. If it wasn't there already we helped or completely created it. 
Example in the early days of satellite TV. Long before Dish Network, and DirecTV, you bought this huge webbed dish, with a small rotator, that aimed at the sky and watched cable tv channels even where cable wasn't. So one of our club members took a big hub cap, assembled a rough looking array antenna, and hooked it up to a cable converter box. It worked. So the Club went to our local cable company, in Jerome Idaho, and then Twin Falls , now Cable One, showed them what we did, and in due course, you came to know a service called PrimeStar. The Club collected some royalties, but now we could watch cable TV even where no cable wire went. Sure we had our rowdy parties, yes we got girls, some that became wives, more became groupies , but we loved women, women loved us because we built rides that went fast and were built at home on guts and scrap metal, not always store bought major brand speed parts. Who else even at the ages of 10 or even a bit younger, took a Sears pedal bike, extended the forks , transplanted a lawn mower engine to make a mini bike? Then repainted it? Who else took a major make mini bike and installed a bigger engine , with a sissy bar? We did. By 1993 when everyone was digging on CB radios, and Smokey and the Bandit, amongst other films of the time, many thought this was the way ALL owner/operator truckers were. We said lets change that. Let's get us tweens and teens behind the wheel of 10 and 18 wheels, and educate other teens on the reality of trucking. So in 1974 the JR-14 CB Club and us got together and created the TeenAge Truckers Association that is still operational as our youngster education outreach organization, but it was a 4-H club as well. This could get long here, but the idea of the movie is to educate and entertain, oh so many who don't know our organization as to just who we are, where we came from, how we started and the history of our organization, to the formation of the radio network, to our radio stations, and evolving to our upcoming satellite TV network. We want to show in our movie how 10 teens in Utah, and 15 teens and near 20 something rural gear heads, met in an old Malt shop in a tiny town of 800 at the time, and built a nearly silent, organization built on two premises. One of building a ride be it two wheeled, or 18 wheeled, with a full tank of gas or diesel, the love of the open road living life on your own terms, succeeding on your own or failing on your own terms, but working towards a goal. Showing that just because it ain't there, don't mean it can't be. Being the ones that answer the call, when the question is asked; "Why here?" We respond, " Why not here?" The other premise of the film is that while America is suffering from political trauma, the true saving grace is our southern ancestors. That just because you say, ya'll, or usedtacould, that your not stupid or can't do intelligent thinking. 
I hope that answers the person that inquired's question.
More tonight on our radio show being streamed at 

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