Monday, July 4, 2016

Might I been a bit hasty? Perhaps but I'm still hurt and only extending myself to those who I care about and who cares about me

I'm a bit more relaxed now, Doctor had to make a house call, and give some trippy meds so I'd go to sleep, but I awakened. Took a online pal's advice of there's no body in this town worth getting all head up about. But I have seen the bad and ugly with very little good in this border town of Wyoming. Even with the potential buy of a rapidly dieing bar and grill, most of which is a tremendous case of undercapitalization the minute I pushed back from that buyers table and let people know as any good person in the press evaluating an eating establishment that the food, was at best mediocre and while the serving staff is the best I have seen, one mention of food quality being not up to par and my how the table turned. The Oh buy the bar or not we'll always be friends and all most spoken through several cocktails and not clear or honest vision, just went away like one of the wings of a seagull that seems to love Evanston here. Even with all that I mean Lisa and her hubby the best, but I'll save a ton of money not going in there.
Is there room in Evanston for a true motorsports/bikers bar and grill IN Evanston, answer yes. But the greedy bastards who own what few places available want way more than what these properties are worth, and much more money than any of them will generate. Lisa says there's another buyer interested in it and so called on the market although I couldn't find anything , I say good luck selling it, and even more luck to the idiot who buys it. 
Of course and while some of this is normal in a small rural town, its worse here. Judgmental my how judging and degrading to another person, especially when they know little facts nor just partial facts and have little knowledge. This however is not limited to dorky Evanston. I remember when I resided in Pocatello, and was doing a cable access  TV show there. There was this elf looking guy who went by the name of Ben Oglvie. For as many days I reported and told of stories and tows that me and LexiBelle did. Of course Ben would get on the caller phone, for the show and say, " LexiBelle" did not exist, So I went over to Rupert once weather broke shot video still the pea brain said no it don't exist. Until long after I moved from Pocky, a guy from MHI, verified that LexiBelle existed. Did Ben take his words back of course not. Many who comment on things are like the cb radio leaches we used to all hear at night trucking on the big roads. Mighty powerful behind a mic on a mobile hidden somewhere, but when you found them, it was like a timid but noisey pug dog. Same thing with many on these damn computers any more, they're great behind that key board, meet em face to face and they cower down and hide behind secret walls. Unlike me who while I write this online news log, and on cyber radio, everybody for the most part knows where to find me, how to call me and I don't have a problem in putting a 9 mil shell in someones head. Seeing a human brain splatter against a white brick wall is kinda fun looking in a way. No I'm not a terrorist, or going to go off like some whackadoodle, but if you dishonor me, my family, my Club, or my business, meet me in person and I'll be happy to have a firm conversation with you. Of course Lisa was making noise about if the club wanted to buy her place she said, if the Club really wanted to buy it they would have by now. Okay fine they are ready to sign papers and carve out the cashiers check, but like Rick said if Lisa couldn't take the time away to take a trip to the Club's Hq, especially when it regards over a half million bucks, then must not want to sell very bad. 
Any mile I could yap all night but have to be on air at 6:00 AM, so I'll back out for now. 
See you on the radio.

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