Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Just about there but still needs some garnishing

Just about there. Got most of the electronics in LexiBelle today, scrounged all around Etown for PL-239 connectors. Found some at the Pilot, but way overpriced but bought em any way. Squirted some rattle can primer on the right side, and some on the left of the bed. Now that we have water can get some aircraft paint remover and finish the doors, front fenders and then its the hood. Might be done by winter this year. But she's getting there, 

It's nice to have my own shop, to get things done. Everything she needed she's getting done now, too bad some short sided so called partners never saw last year. Except for Rick, the rest of the bumbling idiots couldn't figure out LexiBelle is what pays for operating the shop. 
Caught this friendship request from some gal named Tina, who says she knows Gary, funny though, not much of a bio, and if you ask for it FB asks why you want to know. I don't need her pedigree but it'd be nice to know who it is that want's to be my FB friend.
Of course I saw some new postings today on my FB newsfeed. When I see that few if anybody on there has way too much time on their hands and just makes me grateful that I have a shop, and a career. 
Wonder if this Tina wants to be a model for the Club, but wants to feel me out before she asks.
Okay the Don has the nomination, but can he carry the ball, and should we let him? Don't get me wrong the Don has the stuff, alright, but when you need to start retracting your words or the words of your staffers might be a time to open our eyes, a bit and know just who the hell we're voting for. I might remind a few of our rebel brethren, the great South voted Democrat as the Northern Union was under the rear end of old Abe, who was R-E-P-U-B-L-I-C-A-N !!
Lil Wolf goes under the knife next, stay tuned for pics.

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