Sunday, July 10, 2016

Another call missed , time to get even more serious and last night was a heavy one Plus thinking of changing Church Wards or just leaving the Church

So here I was just leaving the shop, think I need to buy a new battery and alternator as the one in LexiBelle is not charging, or staying that way. Might have to re examine my wiring, but here's the bummer, as I was leaving the shop, I get a call from AAA, wanting me to go fetch a car here in Evanston, must be a tourist, but still $60.00 is $60.00 . Its not that I don't get business I get 10 to 15 calls for tows a week, if I could respond to them I would make enough money to cover my butt each month. But the truck being down means I can't go, and thus no cash flow. Which means time to get serious about going towing. 
Then last night, was chatting with my lady Shewolf, off hand said that if the stress didn't stop, I was going to kill myself and that I'd see her on the other side of the moon. So with that , worried sick that I just might do it, she calls the EPD here. Who responds with 6 units and two Sheriff deputies, one with an assualt rifle. Really? So after about 3 hours at the local bear coop, I get home, with still fixing computer problems. That's why I wasn't on air last night. 
Thursday night, I texted my Bishop, and asked if I could have at least 3 to 4 minutes in Sacrament meeting. I wanted to get up, and ask the congregation to give a few minutes of silence and prayer for the families who lost their husbands in the Dallas shootings. Thought with one of the Bishop's main cabinet members being a local deputy and all that he might oblige. Guess what? No but hell no. No big deal, I have asked to say an opening or closing prayer, give a talk anything other than cleaning the Church building to repay for the financial gifts the Ward has gave over the last two years. Do you realize, that I have went to this Ward, and one other in Ogden, more times than any time in my life. In fact The only other time I asked a Ward to help was when Monkee and I moved to Paul Idaho for a food box. The rest of the time I made my own money and fed my family. But this was not in that arena. This added to the fact of nearly being ignored except by the Bishop, at a wooden car race dinner thing , its starting to get under my skin. Don't get me wrong I think that the Book of Mormon and D&C and all are accurate to the very core. Do I think we have leaders and seers in the Church and a Prophet of God at the helm, yes. But there is a as it seems any more a large ditch between what's being preached and what's being practiced. So I'm at a point of making a decision that will ultimately change my entire existence . Do I just ask to go and be transferred to a different Ward during my time here in Etown. Or Do I just flat quit the Church, and find another way to take the Lords supper to renew my connection and honor The Lords sacrifice for me? I'm going to chat with my home teacher this evening and explore some options.
Maybe a few calls to Salt Lake City is in order.
Thing is since my Mom passed away in 1983, my relationship with the Church has been luke warm at best. The only brotherhood I have is with the members of the Knytes, and the AyreWolvez, WolfPack. I don't have any real close family here and extended is really extended. So I'm looking at relocating to Grace or that area of Idaho as I have family there, that's blood kin. Or Burley Idaho, where club members are not so far and if I need to lean on someone, there's that resource. 
This crap has to change, and that change is really not going to happen in Etown, Wyoming.

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