Friday, August 5, 2016

Sorry to the young gal at Wal-Mart, and oh by the way Beaver Dick

First of all, here as I turn down the candles and dim the lantern and get ready to sleep, I need to apologize to the young lady at the ccheckstand at our local Wal-Mart here in Evanston Wyoming. I spoke way out of turn, and my comment was wrong considering the mixed crowd I was in, so again sorry.
Now to some comments from our pest Beaver Dick. He got on my c2cfm program site and was spinning some strange noises. So let's delve into some of those. Yes Beaver Dick I do get my paychecks from good old Uncle Sam, do you know what those are? There from putting on a uniform, picking up a rifle and fighting for YOUR freedom and Liberty to be able to bitch me out online. Curious, Beaver Dick, when or did you ever put on a uniform, and fight for this nation, no matter your own opinions? Have you ever looked into the real eyes of the real Reaper and said to yourself, " Hey this may be it." Second I'm not too proud to say that yes I have asked once in awhile for help from our Ward, here. Why? To make ends meet, and to build a life for myself and Shelly, maybe if there were not assholes like you cutting me off at the knees , I wouldn't have to ask for that Church help, I'd be making my own by now. 
Last he asked about the movie on the history of the Club. I respond, it ain't me paying for it, idiot; It's the Club, I'm just the soldier that's doing most of the work, reason? Most of the Club is still engaged in the Marines. 
And finally, he asked about why I persist. I persist in building the radio gig, and all that , that is part of it for the cause of course, for the people its for, added to that I persist, just like Paul Farnsworth Persisted in inventing Television, the same reason Thomas Edison, persisted in inventing the damn light bulb, and phonograph, and just as Bill Gates built the first consumer able Personal Computer, likewise the same reason, Mark Zuckerburg persisted in building Facebook, so stupid pricks like you would have a method to bitch at me and anything else that crawls up your crotch. Oh and also Beaver Prick, when was the last time you came over to the Wolf's Lair, to examine for yourself with your own eyes two big volumes of paperwork, that details, my financial abilities. Sure most of that is still being piecemealed out, but have you ever came over here to look? Ask Rick, I'm sure you know him, he heard and saw those documents, as my 2nd cousin handed them over when he and I went to fetch a car from her for Rick. Oh yea you ain't came over and why? Because your scared that you will be proven wrong, and have to retract every damn word you have ever spoken ill of me. 
Now I'll admit, when I got here , I was as broke as a mouse, I had to get my financial footing under me, get established and get things going in the right direction. And why? Because I came here to do one thing to reignite a fucking radio station for this town and of course that community of the Interstate, mainly truckers. And what do you do Beaver Prick, sit around all day, thinking how bad your life is, eating tater chips, and surfing the Internet, because someone else out there saw a need and a way to make a living and persisted, even though there are and were assholes like you calling them out and yet not showing up to the fight. 
Sorry friends I had to vent. This guy or gal and I'm zeroing in on BD, is going to either put up or shut up. Damn civilian coward.

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