Wednesday, August 3, 2016

From the I like this shit file

This is a slight follow up on a video clip, that Fb pal Gary put up with Bill Engval, on the concept of eating right. I'd have liked to see more of it, or it being slightly longer but it does tell a story, of even though your Doctor and medical people, nutritionists and so on, that tell you if you eat that , you'll shorten your life. As for me I don't care if I do shorten my life. I've lived a damn good one so far, I had excellent parents, a childhood made of only the wildest dreams, of most people, and had nearly if not completely every damn thing I have ever wanted or desired. 
I have been able to experience things and live out to what most people would call a fantasy, yet I did them, and now in two brown covered volumes I have proof of where the money came from that made that all possible, so eat shit Beaver Dick.
When it concerns women, after 3 wives and 3 more near misses of marital hobbling , I know the female mind pretty well. I know for most of them what makes them tick, and some things I'm still learning. Each one is a time of education, mostly me educating them. Things like kissing their toes and for me much more sensual in nylons, will drive a woman wild. My pal Rick and even Bro have always asked why the hell would you want to kiss their stinky feet? Again, practicing that technique will get you more points on the board and will give the male of(that means you) more beditime pleasure than you could ever know. Same goes with doing simple other things, like washing their backs when they are taking a bubble bath, shaving their legs, trust me guys, this will make your woman cling to you like flies to honey. So yes I like that. That part of my sexual menu, did not arrive just me desiring it. The technique, came when doing some TV ads one year for the Hazzard County Garage(the REAL one) . Someone showed me an ad from a plumbers TV ad in Boise. I put that ad along with the concept of a Cinderella kiss on the toes that went with the word TOW and the rest is history. Which is why I incorporate that in all my toew service ads. Rhyming the word, with toe as in tow, has came up more times than after eating at Jody's Cafe here in Evanston(trust me you don't want to go there very often, depends on whose cooking) . Going back to 1997 I was doing some production work, for then KTOW FM, and legendary radio personality Bill Mack(Midnight Cowboy Trucker Network) did some station liners or promos, for then the Overdrive Truckers News, and The Overdrive Trucker Top Ten Countdown, we were the only station in Idaho or the region carrying the show at the time. Called Producer Mindy Baker now with Sirius Satellite Network. She got Bill to do the liners, except he rhymed it always with cow, not toe. It wasn't long after I forwarded a note to Mindy and finally he got it right since I put pronounciation with TOE, then he got it TOW-TOE. I'm not the only one however that has done that with the word TOW, rhyming it with TOE. In fact one now defunct towing publication in fact both of them both we are acquiring. Called T.R. FootNotes and PhooteNotes. Once I sampled the female toes in nylon hose, I kinda liked it. Found it made most models who did go the distance to pose for those ads for us, get a bit of a flushed color , yea I turned em on. 
Of course there are other things I like, in fact love. I will focus on a new or newer tow truck or rollback faster than seeing a gal half naked on a street corner 
 One is good for you the other is not. Kinda like going to church here in Evanston, Wyoming. It's a great thing between your home teacher whilest your going every Sunday, or nearly finding a way for him to earn extra cash, but the minute you treat either luke warm, if you meet on the street or at Wal-Mart, its a mere squeek at best if ya'll say howdy. Staying at home, studying scripture, and then watching NASCAR is good for you. Going to Church and worshiping with a bunch of people that should do a lot of repenting is not.
More at noon on the show. Hope you'll join us. 

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