Friday, August 12, 2016

2 years in and I'm still scratching my balls

B4 I get into my usual rant here; Need to tell you why I was not on air overnight. It has nothing to do with tech difficulties, it has to do with mood and attitude. After getting squeezed through the wringer by Nicole, and all I just have not felt like doing much of anything except going out to the shop, spending time with LexiBelle and coming home eating, snagging some TV and going to bed. All day Thursday, (yesterday) all I did, was go in, turned off everything including my cell phone, and just snoozing. Nothing big I needed to be awake for anyway, and I'm finding that since I don't take narcotics like most do in these parts, because I don't consume booze and brew like the other half around here does, I can escape into the outter rims of the Alpha Quadrant in a starship, and flat forget there is any kind of earth or stupid pre light speed intelligence on this third rock from the sun. But then my tail bone started hurting a bit, and I was hungry, so got up, fixed me  a microwavable breakfast bowl, with choc pudding two 12 oz's of milk some Disney channel TV and I'm getting ready to head back to bed. 
So then, I was reviewing the situation here, do you realize its now been a year, since we opened Hazzard County Choppers, / Highway Hooker Toewing, just recently did we by the recommendation of someone I trust did we swap out Highway Hooker for Cooter's A1, any mile its been 1 year. And because of a bunch of poop throwing, by Beaver Dick and others no advancement. I really dislike it that for all those that say it ain't, the fact is, not a one of them, have ever came here to the Wolf's Lair, climbed the stairs and saw with their own eyes that what the say are lies are in fact real. Of course there's those that haven't even attended a club meeting at least ones that are open to the public, which are damn few, but still none have ever attended. On my Yahoo group page, there is a notice put out every other Tuesday of our Idaho open meetings at the Oxbow in Bliss Idaho, at 7:00 PM, It's listed as SAMCROMCCIDAHO meetings, and includes the Bliss community meeting. But does any of these disbelievers attend? No, but my they can bellr like a mother cow calling for its calf online about we ain't real. It's kind of like the vermin in Mountain Home Idaho a few years back. Having some albeit small but some introductory experience with cable access TV I went to the Cable Access TV channel in Mountain Home. To get on that, you had to pay up some sizable money. I gave a $8000.00 check to the people including a few from the local city council up there, only to find, that the place a week later closed its doors. The city council and cable access board never has refunded that money, but my how they did consume the lobster ribs dinner the club threw up at Shorty's Saloon, that I treated them to. Oh yea we are not real, but there are those that know different that love to take advantage. Just like that little elf in Pocatello, that was a bouncer at a bikini bar that my welcome had done ran out on. One evening I went to Denny's there for a Moon over Mihammy just love those things. Any way Ben, Oglvie was in the corner with one of the dancers from the Highway 91 Club. So he was having a bit of trouble pooling the money together to pay their bill, so I went over and grabbed their ticket and paid the whole damn thing. Only for the little prick to bad mouth me ever since. It didn't occur to me he was the asshole that was trashing me on my TV show and online., So I moved to Glenn's Ferry, because I had seen online that there was going to be a nuke power plant built there and they needed labor. So I went, filled out this app online, told I was approved. The thing sunk faster than a sinking wreck in Hazzard pond. Thing was phony, but hey I was stuck well sort of. I started looking for places. But not before there was a meeting that had the Club reorganize into the Knytes-of-Anarchy in 2008. That lasted as far as residency for about 8 months. The housing market tanked the guy who owned the place I lived in tanked and so I had to move. However I had been trashed from the word go there, mostly because of Mr. Olgavie . When I relocated from Pocatelo to Glenns Ferry, I had looked into doing a blog for the Mountain Home News. However I wasn't even going to do anything, but I got hounded by the managing editor of that paper to write something. The idea of the blog initially was to share memories of the Dukes-of-Hazzard, southern life and so on. One post, had to do with some of the people especially tourists not having the brains of maggots when they were driving. As I had nearly got sideswiped by an RV that day. Of course all too many had to spin that the wrong way. Of course the AyreWolvez had the idea of revamping Glenn's Ferry's airport, but a city councilman there and I had tangled over my being kind to a neighbor girl who was wanting to earn money for school supplies(yea a really bad guy I was). It was shortly after that when I discovered that the same city councilperson had been using an old roundhouse storage area for a shop for his lawn and yard business. I turned him in, and well you know what happened to the Airport plan. There's all kinds of stories I could tell you. From Butch Otter and one of the Simplot families involvement in buying a bank branch building that Mom had that was part of the Montgomery Foundation , that was sold, but never fully paid for, at least I never did see any money from that. 
So here I am in Evansgone Wyoming. Trying to grind together two rocks to light the fire of my and the organization's commerce, thing is, we, nor I are much further than we were last year at this time, and just slightly ahead of where I was when I moved up here in December of 2014. Thing is there has been all too many that have taken full advantage of my generosity. I only count two here as friends, Rick my partner in the shop and toew service, and an associate who runs a company on his own and not to do with us, Nate. Past that outside of my Bishop, my Home Teacher and the Wards 1st council, I don't count anyone here a real friend. 
As I close, saw on TV an ad from the Evanston Chamber of Commerce, about some celebration that they conned a Harley dealer and a few riders to attend. Wonder what the Etown Chamber would do, if I got a hold of Salt Lake and Timp Harley Davidson and explained to them what the true attitude of Etown and a major MC has been treated like and thought of? Know what ? The egostisticle sort of a bums, didn't even spend one dime or dollar with our MC based online radio network or one of our shows. 
Which brings me to this. Right after the holidays , my butt is in the General, and I'm going searching for a new forest to hunt. I'm done here.
So starting September 5th or so, after I get done with the clubs High Council meeting, in Idaho Falls, Idaho, I'm out looking for a new place to call home. 
So if you don't find me on air for days or weeks at a time, now you know why.

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