Sunday, December 24, 2017

Infedility you want to but you know you can't , but it don't stop you from sniffing

Tiz the season for joy and laughter, and for getting away with hi jinx you most likely wouldn't get away with at any other time of the year. Like manuvering a super fox from Church under missletoe so you can get a juicy smooch, especially when she's wearing that sour apple liquid lipstick, or taking a hug, during services. Makes extending good will to others a whole different meaning. Or accepting an invite for a bite being bought by that lady from Church, knowing she doesn't have much money, so you chow down at McDonalds, that and the fact that most everything worth eating at are all closed, Christmas eve and all. So off to the McDonalds we went. Discussed the turn down from Mike Stockton, from the River Fellowship, and how she thought they were stupid for doing so since who they hired is just a hardly dry behind the ears intern. In any case Steph is thinking of swinging our way, since as she says we are popular, Stockton's operation isn't.
Okay then, drove home and needing some things stopped at Walmart in Jerome, wouldn't you know it, forgot soap. Oh well I'll just smell funny for a couple of days, no big deal. Have vaginal smell on one hand and McDonalds on the other. Strange combination. 
Now there's many of you who are saying, but you have Shelly. Sure yes I do, but the distance between us and I'm not just saying miles or geography, the fact there is a wide gap, of similar interests, economic profiles, education, and lifestyles even if Shelly get's here its going to be a bunch of work, making us work. Then there is the situation of her banking and my banking, and the fact if she really wants to be here at all. If she did , she'd get busy getting her SSI in her name, getting to the bank, getting that in her name, setting up a true bank account instead of Amscot, and so on. I love Shelly very much, but I'll be John Brown, if she's going to come out here and us at each others necks over money like we were in Evanston. 
My emotional stability just wont take it, and that's why I'm holding off on pushing buttons to bring her back out here.
On the flip side, there is this Tracy chick, that showed some interest in this old rebel canine. While no money has changed hands and it don't matter who it is, the Knytes have a stead fast rule, all female members in what is called the Ladies-of-the-Knytes has to pay $600.00 a month for a minimum of 2 years. This determines their dedication and loyalty to the club. Just like it says on our fb pages one of which now is closed to the public and only club members can post. If you want to post or be part of the Knytes-of-Dixie, fb page its $300.00 a month for guys, $600.00 for women, you have to be pledged by one of us as patched members as at least a prospect, or a right of acension member. If not don't ask to be on our fb page, and don't even ask to get in the door here at the Rode House. So left Walmart, and one Big Mac didn't do it, so drove over to the one out in Jerome. Now I'm not into Mexican food, but there was this hot chiquita in there that had my body blood bubbling, she was hot. Wanted to just flat snag and grab right there and I can't say I wouldn't have if she'd have asked. Considering its been since 2002 since I have any good sweet mating with anything real. Hell I'm so in need to breed I'd nail a poodle if she said here big boy. (I'm not talking about a 4 legged poodle either) Thing is if something blonde and pink gave me a wink, name fifi said smell me, I'd be a sniffing. 
Any mile,
Maximum Overdrive/HazzardAyre Radio is two hours away, just log onto to and join in.
Later Ya'll

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