Saturday, December 17, 2016

Why do I work so hard for the Knytes?

This evening right before I went into the local Charter meeting of the Knytes here in western Wyoming some ignorant guy smugged and asked why I work so hard and sacrifice so much for a bunch of road bumbs as he called us, (damn near got his ass turned into manure) ? The answer is very simple. Even long , long, before I 1983 when my Mom died, there was the club, but we we as a open public fan club, was not as brotherly as we became from 83 onward. When my Mom died in March of 1983, there was not one dang member of our local Ward of the LDS church there in Hazzard, Idaho, that even came up, put their arm around me and did some brotherly love and compassionate caring. Nope, even after two years prior giving up a warehouse of my own toys some that today would be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars as collectables. I even had an original batmobile miniature with diamond headlights that got gave away. The list goes on, but nobody from the Priesthood, Relief Society , NOBODY from that Ward in Hazzard, even came up and asked if they could help with even the most small of domestic skills, like sewing etc, to date I still can't make a pancake or French toast. I can make exotic southern dishes that I've learned how since but still no pancake. Can't heim a pair of pants. But it was the Knytes that came up to the big house that got me out of a very bad mental state , to where I could function. Bro taught me how to cook, Rick taught me how to handle money, Skipper taught me business skills, Jimmy taught me how to sew. Jimmy also although barely taught me how to play guitar , Jimmy went with me all the way to Grace Idaho, for the burial , it was the Knytes. Few weeks ago, had an invite from our Bishop to become an indexer for our Ward here in Wyoming. I was really excited, Bishop said he'd get the people to train me over so I could get started. Since then no phone call, no visit. It might be noted I was once escalated in the ladder of progression in the Church , in Hazzard, but seems when the Bishopric changed 3 times the record of that escalation was lost. Really? Real answer; I busted two Bishop' sons for excessive speed and one for narcotics and thus the escalation in the church was mysteriously lost. 
I'm getting off topic. I work hard to not only to keep alive this organization that has become 250,000 strong today that started with the Divine-9 as we call ourselves that met in a tiny malt shop in Hazzard in 1982. I am dedicated to each and every patched member, and serve daily even hourly for not only the members , but their families, wives, daughters grandparents, etc. The Knytes are not just a biker club, we are a mongrel mix of a bikers club, big rig truckers organization , aviation club, and of course an organization dedicated to bringing all states of this nation to and part of the Confederate States including the Mountain West. So why do I work so hard for this club? Its simple, when I go to bed at night, and put my head on my pillow, I know that while my Heavenly Father protects me from heaven, there are Knytes near by with swords and knives watching over me as well. I know when I close my eyes that the love of 50 local club members as well as the rest of the Knytes love me and would not give it a second thought to lay his or her life down or spill blood for me. Nor I them. That's why I work so hard for the Knytes. 
More later

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

All safe and sorta warm

Three trucks, a bunch of cussin and fussin but the rig finally gave and it was us that did the save. Not bad for a nights work. All caused by a freight hauler who just had to avoid a deer. So all safe now and warm.
So turned on this TV show on TNT called Castle. Not bad, the show before it called Good Behavior I started to get into but the script writers must be on vacation as the series after the first few episodes lost some punch. Just like on FoX with Lucifer , which calls up biblical quotes to verify the story line lost its glue to hold it together. Can't see either one lasting past next season, but then network executives save junk and toss out the good. Something I'm noticing though, LAFF TV is gaining ground. Perhaps its because outside of their limited advertiser base, the actual shows are good old 1 hour comedy dramas as well as some damn good movies. This is the kinds of programs, the James Best (Sheriff Roscoe) and such were trying to get on TV. Seems as TV may be saved sort of, the noise from the trades has it where Viacom and CBS are trying to divorce themselves from each other. Which means Viacom programs, such as the Dukes could really be bought and transplanted elsewhere to a different channel or parent network. 
Also saw a thing in one of the trades where there and it might have been a opinionated piece, but where there is a movement afoot to get rid of the FCC and turn what limited powers the FCC has over to the Commerce Department or Federal Trade Commission. Why not let the industry police itself? The NAB could be a governing body . But that might be to radical of thinking since the NAB only cares about big radio properties and licensee's as well as just terrestrial over the air stations. I think though there will be a shake up there.
So you elected good old Donald Trump, , How do you like him now? He isn't even sworn in and already causing waves and it good. Just the selection of treason plagued or Russian influenced Sec-of State , who has financial ties to the Kremlin should raise some eye brows. More over the shake up of both China and Korea . If those two nations get pissed they might call in a few of those big loans that has kept the United States afloat for many years. Then what? Do you think mega retailers, like Walmart and Target amongst others are going to rush back to the none United States to set up manufacturing factories? Horny toads, their going to go to India or some other location to get goods made where labor and regulatory things are less. And this even before the Don gets real power. But hey ya'll voted for him, you get what ya'll voted for. 
Okay then on the Knytes front. Knyte-Wolf is not just a title of a piece of the blog here, I'll hold off on what that is for another page, as for HazzardAyre and all it's parts, the Knytes and I have agreed that until we get at least 3 new computers to handle the load plus old Bessie here that its best to let our radio project be put on hiatus for a time. Plus before HazzardAyre is fired back up, I want to transplant the operation to where there's a larger pipeline with more muscle to carry the traffic we run. While AllWest is a great company and all their reluctance as well as any other telecom to run fiber even to the Wolf's Lair here, means need to find more affluent and target rich hunting grounds. 

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Then of course there's the Knytes of Dixie

Then there are the Knytes, companion organization of the Iron Knytes. I get these small inquires of people wanting to join the fan page and all, which isn't bad, but I don't think they understand that while you might get your rocks off reading our Facebook page, real membership is a very long in serious pursuit. There are except 5 , sworn, patched , voting women that are real members, complete with blood ceremony and initiation. All new members are what we call Prospects . Prospects pay a scheduled set of dues for two years, of $375.00 a month. No exceptions even wives of members are required to pay dues. New members have to attend at least the majority of meetings, and have a serious attitude about and to the Club. You just don't get on Facebook and say I want to be a member. 

Tizz the season to be happy fala la la la, ah humbug

The night eases into twilight. The weather is zero or very close. As for me here I sit in the Wolf's Lair all alone watching LAFF TV, and another several times ran , rerun. To add insult to injury I am forced to view ads for junk products and services that hide like cockroaches when the light shines. So then getting ready for bed, I remember a slightly heated discussion with SheWolf earlier in the evening. She did not believe me I was in court most of the day. No I'm not getting bound up on anything, its mostly Club and foundation stuff. All I wanted when I got home was food and sleep, and only going out to tow. This time of the year , I'm about as moody as 12 women going through their monthly. Its called Christmas and events like Monday going over things from Mom & Dad didn't help none. Unlike so many people and for this I'm very blessed , but our family was extremely close. Oh sure there was gifts tremendously gave, but it was the not so store bought gifts. There was things we did, from the horse a sleigh rides on the farm, making gingerbread houses, reading of scriptures, the list goes on, but we had magic that was only exceeded by the love we had in that big house. And might I say , yes I truly miss those Christmas's and all. What makes it worse is the General JaXson is have troubles due to weather and delayed service that I should have done months ago, so can't go see my son for the holidays in Pocatello or other kin in Grace, and immediate area. Yea the Club is around to ease the pain, and many years, I'd just go get laid and eat at Sills Cafe in Layton, that's in Utah, and get so drunk I'd pass out and not awaken until the day after new Year. 
Of course, living in Twin Falls Idaho, a few years ago, I'd go over by invitation to Charlies, and eat, watch a game or two, and while it was blood kin, I felt part of a family. Charlie is not a seriously religious man on the outside, but I swear Charlie can walk on water. He gives so much to so many people , if there's a real community crisis in Twin Falls or that area, Charlie is the first to open his wallet. Charlie gives people jobs , that no body else would hire most of those that work for him. He's brash and acts like a drill instructor on one side , but someone you can depend on when times are tough.
Its these reasons, and tons more that outside of a very limited few, not limited by my choice, but theirs, that I'm very moody, and most days, just want to be left alone, kind of like the injured wolf, leave me alone so I can go off and lick my wounds, and I'll be okay. It's why when my lady calls, there's times , I just flat don't want to talk. Its not just her its most anyone. Once Christmas and all the commercial part of it is over I'll be okay, again at least till memorial day. 
Until Menyanna

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

At what point does prevention of a tragedy end and vanity news begin?

On a recent exploration of the idiot social service called Facebook, and viewd a what I thought was a progressive reporter, put on her war paint for the nights newscast I inquired; considering a friend and Utah State Trooper who was honored with memorial service today in Ogden, who was taken from his wife and Children , because some lady wasn't giving attention to her driving. This situation has plagued us in towing for I can't count on two fingers how many friends in this towing business who have lost their lives in the line of duty due to motorists not giving attention to their driving and slowing down and moving over when approaching a tow truck with the lights flashing doing our jobs? No can't do that. About two years ago, a simular situation happened near Idaho Falls Idaho. Channel-8 which is nearly as stubborn as KSL out of Salt Lake City, did a story, on moving over and slowing down. The question is, why the hell does that news story have to be about one of biting the sand, or getting hit , killed or at least maimed due to the ignorance of car drivers. My Dad and Mom used to teach that an ounce of prevention , is ten times worth the price for a pound of cure. In short Miss. Vowell and others , why does it take a Trooper to get killed or a tow truck professional to get seriously injured for you to wake up and do a story. 
No it's better to do a story on multi million dollar news like millionaires coming to Utah to gussy up an old shopping mall, or doing some fluffy all feel good thing, but to say hey when your approaching a tow truck on the side of the road rescuing a mother and children when they slide off the road, and taking less than a going rate.(done it, been there). to slow down and move over so WE can make it home to our own families. Naw can't do that. So I say again; hey Miss Vowell of KSL 5 TV News and others at what point does a story that could do a ten ton job of prevention in ensuring the safety of tow truck drivers, rather than do fluff and just doing a story on one of us  who died. Think about that Miss Vowell, wait until you and that late night camera person slide off the road, and your waiting hours in the cold and snow, when the tow truck driver you ignored, ignores you.

The only person you should trust is your road brother and yourself

I had a somewhat epiphany, earlier this morning. SheWolf was on her way to send me her monthly dues for the Knytes, when her mom gets chest pains, So right now I think, is it or isn't it? Thing she don't seem to grip too tightly is no money the club uses in part to pay for the shop, and me, then I could just maintain , myself and less dependency means weaning of interest. Meaning that wedding on August could get pushed away a bit. Its called loyalty and dedication, if the Club can't depend on you to do something, difficult, then if its simple how can we depend on you for something easy for the organization. Thing is the organization always has plan B is the wider view. It's like the people and I read many in secessionist part Facebook party amongst others. There is always something on facebook, with some cause or causes. As long as no one asks for, or has to put up funds for something , oh its great. However, ask for someone to draw out their wallet and send our organization that is dedicated to southern preservation and hisory, not to mention restoration to help us maintain our radio network, both on line and over the air, and the appeal to say the least is like somebody souring the morning milk. Like wise, few weeks ago, right before my meltdown, I met with my Cousin in Farmington Utah. Thereupon she showed me a check for some $538.00 or some such. I was about to skeedaddle, except the check was made out to her Dad aka my 1st Cousin. I said I could cash that. She said the next day that she was going to have lunch with some legal eagle who could sort it out, okay fine, seems like a dud grenade, but I thought why show me something, if it can't be used? Oh well see what happens. But it goes, don't support on anybody except your road brother, your Club, and yourself. 
Hold on the day ain't done. 

Sunday, November 27, 2016

My Sunday was a disaster and thank goodness for a land line

Sunday was a serious disaster. I first started to trying to get to church, but Gen JaXson wouldn't start. But a few hits with my hot box I was going, however with the returning of the hot box to the shop, got stuck. So my wonderous Cell phone got a bit to soggy, and wouldn't boot. So took it to a fellow Knyte to dry it out. So no Cell phone, but at least I have the Landline so still can get in coming tow calls, but that's about all. With my energy levels completely extinguished and died until 22:00 got something to eat, watched St.Elmos Fire and am about ready to go to sleep. 
This past weekend must have been very frustrating for my SheWolf and all. The reason I'd just assoon be alone, is the way this time of year makes me feel. While SheWolf and many others including those in my LDS Ward. There's like em or not, but families. Mom's, Dad's, Children, and so on. Me I'm all by myself. Oh sure there's the Club, Rick, even Syd and all when they leave I'm still alone. No Charlie to go eat with , not presents from Charlie's or other friends and crew. I look at a box of 25" that displays all kinds of reasons to be giddy, yet I'm fully alone. No visits from the Ward, no big box of oranges, nothing. I stare at 4 walls, and cry over memories of my Mom and Dad, and Christmas's and holidays at that big house near Hazzard Idaho. We didn't have a lot of material things be we had a family. Sure gifts and all we plentiful toys and things downstairs, upstairs ,shop garage and all, but out front it was all snowed in and outside of that old Massey to plow snow, we didn't go no where except to tow. My Mom could make magic out of some of the most modest things, and we did eat. Oh did we eat. Especially on Sunday's, Mom made this spegettii sauce that quite honestly should have been marketed. It would make Prego bland. My dad would build a Christmas display that I think guided aircraft. Gone are those days except in my heart. But it still doesn't hurt any less , when it does, and this season arrives each year, what I need the most, is solitude and peace, kind of the Wolf that hurts its leg and just need to be alone to lick my mounds. And that's why SheWolf, I just don't feel like talking on the phone, or texting, or even being at Church. I just want to be by myself. 
If ya'll need to getin touch use my landline. TTLY

Friday, November 25, 2016

well ya'll voted for Trump, how do you like what your about to get?

Welcome to my morning after. I must say the spread by Syd and all for Thanksgiving was fantastic. I ate so much that I had the Hershey squirts until mid evening. The rest of the night until 21:45 hours was spent catching slumber. 
Yesterday morning I spent nearly the entire running time of a movie and half of another talking to Shewolf. Mostly catching shit. Half way through it, I was just at the point of saying enough, we're through. In fact thing is there are times I really need to examine why I'm in this disfunctional relationship. Oh don't get me wrong about Shelly, at times she shows rays of intelligence and there are times she can be caring, but the rest of the time is a yelling match and somebody that a Convent of Nunns are not so moody. 80% of the screaming match is aimed at supposedly , me cheating. Me? Cheating? Is she kidding? Sure I have women friends, I also have guy friends and brothers in the Knytes, but I wouldn't sleep with either one of them. My day is not filled with all of that. Most of my day is doing this blog for about 4 hours early in the morning, then snagging food, then going out to the shop, coming home eating lunch. Back out to the shop, coming home eating. Doing the radio show. Going back to the shop, coming back home eating my final meal of the day, taking a bath , then catching some LAFF TV , then going to bed, by my self all alone, and sleeping. There is no time for romantic binges. There is nothing more to it. However I'm glad that some of the gals at Pilot stopping in during the time I was laid up, serving me soups and meals. The entire episode of my being sick, was simple;  severe respitory distress, due to stress and tension, due in most part to SheWolf. 
Okay Eye for business. And why the need for another intern here is needed. Yesterday after the fight with SheWolf, I was in the middle of producing content for HazzardAyre Radio. But caught a call from a lady asking could we do a tow for her. With nobody to sit in on radio, had to shrug off the call, loss $80.00 . Yesterday I passed off 4 tow calls because there was no one to sub for me on air and all. I lost $400.00 . Bottom line this bullshit is going to stop. Its time to get our shit together. There's towing business out there that could make us free and Independent again, but LexiBelle still needs some attention and while the list is getting shorter, its time to swap priorities . So 60 % of my time is shop/towing , 40% radio gig/Club. Its just that simple. To put it another way, for every $1.00 I make with HazzardAyre Radio, I push away $10.00 that could be made going towing. 
Okay last here, as many of you know, I have been a champion of Tomi Lauren, and while she is a spunky young free thinker I'm loosing my support for her. She like so many barked about how great an America we are going to have with the Don, as President. Yet even now your seeing by those he is promoting to being part of his cabinet, that are nothing more than White collard bastards that are business people , not people leaders , what your going to see is many, even Shewolf, in a year or so, getting kicked to the curb, with make a living or starve, and becoming more of a problem, than many of those who either can't work, as well as the ones that without any more training than they currently have only getting Walmart jobs and even worse job creation. But hey ya'll voted for him, now how do you like what you all got? Just don't forget, I was on the air all year long, telling you the time to elect someone from the Confederate National Party . Like the saying goes
 Its just that simple. 
Time for me to hit the rack , talk at ya'll this afternoon on air. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

I'm still awake but my head still Aches

According to the medical community the need to feed is the first step into the ability or want to heal. I started getting a bit better when I bumped into Syd at the bank, I don't know why but this honey gets me into a uplifted mood. Over the next few weeks the idea is to groom her into both an on air as well as video work, promotional as well as anchoring our TV side. 
Of course sweet SheWolf got in a fit over Syd, but I could move in a ladybug and SheWolf would still growl. I'm not going into a long howl over SheWolf. But I did leave her on the phone with this; if you don't Trust me, and being around many women in my work, then, maybe you you don't fully love me. 
That's all I'm going to say at that.
So last night about shy of Syn City on Laff TV would you know it grand old AllWest here's computer got a butt ache and started mixing channels. Oh well. So I got stuck watching Disney Channel. Did catch a few of the newer entries. TBS has one that's kinda of a mystery and a long running  series. Watch here for an upcoming review. 
So Getting back to LaffTV, the content is good , the shows are not that bad, some I remember from being a kid. What I can't grab onto although its flung at you faster than steer manure at a rodeo, is all those ads for Addiction Recovery Network and so on, then there's the one for blowing your nose into a vaporizer although I still have no idea of what a Notipot , is. 
Bottom line I'm getting better , I can walk, except for one leg the pains are a bad headache and I'm retaining food and fluid. Thanks to the local members of the Knytes, Rick, and yes the angels from the local pilot, bringing me food and all. 
Can't do much at the shop, until the first of the month, since need to refill the gas bottle, to heat the place, but That don't mean we can't polish off everything HazzardAyre Radio. 
However I need to head to bed. 

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Getting better but very slowly

Well at least I'm not holding my stomach and trying to punch out letters here in an attempt to report the hews to you. Before I get into southern headlines , my SheWolf must be extremely pissed but dig this early this morning I thought I was okay, but by noon,I was visiting my commode about once an hour if not more, doing both number one and number two. Seems as though the more pills I hake to conquer pain, the more sick to my stomach I get. Most of my last week, is on the couch watching Laff TV It's been Empty Nest, to Spin City, to Roasanne , to Grounded for Life. They do plug in such video fare Cybill and a couple of others that I stay away from. But for a homebound body, it eats up the day. 
As far as the radio thing, the Club and I have just came to the conclusion that pouring money back into that any more than we have at least as ETown and locations within, along woth the human resources that are here, that its better to wait until after the holidays and find a place, to admit we were foxed and move it back to Utah and Idaho respectively. 
More news in the AM.
Stay Tuned

Thursday, November 17, 2016

When age and life collide

While I can still udder speech and drive and do most of what I normally do, the fact is, the ability to see even the microprint on TV ads, when I can't see the menu on the TV or even at the local KFC unless I can get close enough to it, has me terrifyed . Up until a few weeks ago I figured I was invincible able to leap small cars and mini trucks in a single bound. But then came home and I don't know if it was the flu shot or the booster shot, or the high performance cough meds, but there I was getting out of the tub one moment and a few hours later hand stuck in the commode tub flowing over and having a helluva time getting out of the tub. Come to find out from the excellent care of Dr. Laurie, got a bruised hip, bruised rib, and a bruised brain(don't laugh it still works just a bit slow now.) My back pain eased up some, my butt and hip and left leg still is in pain, and my eye site while a bit foggy at times, is still working. Some times Heavenly Father allows things to occur, to remind us that we are not running the show, he is. I'll say this again, then I'm going to try sleep. Even though the operation here along with me is aiming for a late February early March departure from good old Evanston, due to such technical things like narrow bandwidth that make doing the radio gig, a challenge, but the fact that the company is still green in Utah, means more green for my jeans. Ya'll have to remember this coming August SheWolf and I tie the knot, which is something I need to do, and such things like me being not running on all 8 cylinders means at least SheWolf will be handy to give me care. However that said, if it hadn't been for my good friend Rick, the few Knytes members that are around here, Ilene And Sydni. This high geared high octane kaynine might not be on earth. It's these times that you learn who your friends and people who care are. There's not a time that I go into the Pilot, that Ilene doesn't come over and give me a big bear hug and takes the time to chat with me. If one or all of those sweet ladies don't see me for a day or two, they make damn sure to come over with a sweet roll, and something to eat, usually soup. 
Any mile, will be making at attempt, to get on air this afternoon. Weather guy says, its supposed to be heavy snow and slick. These conditions will be around for at least the next 7 to 8 days. 
Stay Tuned

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Sex is like politics, once you think you have found the right candidate another pops up that makes you think!!

It's no secret as to what makes me frisky. A set of curvy legs , dainty toes in some style of nylon hosiery. There's no mystery there. The fact that I have not dipped my joint into anyone since 2009, and the fact that what little human to female human contact I have been able to get is near so much too little too late. There are times that if the situation availed itself, if I could even close the deal. The last time that I was even close to the smell of that kind of victory, I had the shivers so bad I could have threaded a sewing machine with it running. Even before that back in Utah long before I met SheWolf and all, I was within inches of meeting a dream, and I spased out so bad you'dve thought I was going into an eplileptic fit. The ah private dancer was so shook up she left, and I had to finish myself. I got over that but whew was it a night. Since then many encounters have corrected that, but last night after the Knyte' Halloween gig, there was one that was breathing pretty strong. I didn't of course since I'm committed to SheWolf, and I believe in loyalty, and trust and honor, above all, but I thought what if Brianna had got a bit more aggressive? With that said lets move on. 
Next Tuesday most of America will vote and elect a new President of these unionized states. Some of us were leaning towards Hilary Clinton, because of her up front so called Southern Breeding. That turned out to be a con amongst all others. So up pops Donald Trump, who on the surface seems good for the job of President, but how any right minded Confederate can vote for a Republican is beyond me. Sure we don't have much of a choice. But don't say this old Alpha Wolf didn't warn you.
Back in 2008 at the threshold of Obama getting elected , I said then, rather than just bark of forming a political party with Confederate roots , do just that. Through rallies, meetings, petitions, the states of Idaho and Utah ratified the Confederate National Party. You can legally nominate, vote and elect someone on the CNP and it stick. But did anybody else listen then? In 2012 when the movement was to remove our flag of Dixie from the roof of a car from the Dukes-of-Hazzard, I howled and said lets get up some steam behind the CNP, how about a few people cough up say $100.00 as a one time pledge to further the cause of the CNP, did anyone listen? No!! In mid 2014 when the only still LIVE voice of today's Confederacy was in need, about to loose studio, and license due to low funds, and I begged many of you to donate the same amount of money that you'd spend going out and getting drunk on the first of the month to help save the voice of today's Confederacy. Did you do it? Nope. Now I know that times are tuff, I know that many of you are living pay check to pay check, and I know that guy now in power in the White House ain't done you many favors, but its for that same reason, you should donate, so we as the nation of Dixie can put up a candidate, run ads on the major news TV and cable networks to get them to sit up and recognize that the Confederacy is something powerful and serious. I know there are so many people out there that climb on board for things southern, thinking its trendy or hip. I do it because my ancestors are southern, my blood runs Dixie gray, I sing the Dixie national anthem, and yes while I stand for old Glory, I put my hand over my heart for the sweet flag of Dixie. The south is not just the 13 original southern states, the south, like Hazzard County is not just a place on Earth but a place in your heart and soul. The Confederacy is not just a cause, its a religion. Again our nation is facing some serious issues, no matter who gets elected. People want to break apart from the Union, but fail to realize and admit, that the confederacy is not as I said just those original states, but some out west, like Idaho, Utah and parts of Wyoming. While few of the south jumped up to go for President, where were some of ya'll when the Governor of Louisiana was in the race? Didn't anyone think of getting behind him? No you jumped in bed with Donald, and now your going to get his offspring. I just read where Social Security beneficiaries will get a 3% bump in benefits. Want to see how old Donald is going to try and circumvent that? He wants you to pick cotton, and hoe beats , even if your shoulder is out of joint, or you can't breathe. 
I remember and I wrote this years ago when I was residing in Glenn's Ferry Idaho. Some people are as stupid as maggots. I watched an episode then, when Jay Leno still hosted the Tonight Show. He made mention just after the Government bailed out General Motors, who now makes Buicks in China and sells em in the US, as domestic cars. Or Dodge, who is split owned now between a Swedish car manufacturer and a German truck manufacturer. Or AIG Insurance. With those billions of dollars, Jay suggested in comedy of takeing $300,000.00 and giving that to every American as a one time gift. Put their Social Security Payments on hold until age 80, and let em use that $300k to build a business, get more education, buy a home and or a new car or all 3. That makes sense. Don't just give people a hand out , give them a hand up. Over the last 20 years we have had Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama. Corruption from every place, homes being foreclosed on, there is a long list. Is there an answer ? Yes, its called the Confederate National Party, and we should be shouting this from the roof tops. Whether its on CSC Talk Radio with BethAnn, or on FoX News, and everywhere we can, the time to get it together to get a candidate ready and able to represent today's Confederacy and Southern Liberty, on the Confederate National Party is now. Take some of your beer and smoke money, take some time to evaluate the truth, and help the Iron Knytes to construct a serious effort to elect someone who believes that for 200 years we have been under oppression, by Yankee's its time for liberty and Freedom by southern and Confederate Activists. Help us further the cause to enhance our radio networks and for a TV satellite channel. Give a voice to the Confederacy, not just post things sometimes to be hip and popular on Facebook. Sure like it was when I was about to have sex with a private dancer after not being touched and got the shakes, you might get the shake digging in your wallets and your purses. but what's liberty and freedom worth to you.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Not broken up but certainly seperated .

Yesterday Sunday morning started out okay, was up to the coolness of a crisp fall morning here in Wyoming. Of course there was the usual, fussing by SheWolf over absolutely nothing. I haven't figured it out, she thinks for some unHoly reason, that I'm cheating on her, when in fact I'm busting my butt to save the shop, finish LexiBelle and get through the winter to move to Idaho come mid month February. But alas I went to church, but found the entire congregation, had went to Afton, to do the dedication to the new LDS Temple there, glad the Bishop and/or my home teachers couldn't have told me about that before. 
Any mile so went home and decided I'd at least go be in the audience of said dedication. So I trucked up there.
Of course there's little Cell service there, so no communication between the world including SheWolf. So got there, got to hear the dedication, and all, and by 8:00PM got home, with a side trip to see some of my kin folk over in Grace Idaho, and all. To a bunch of texts from SheWolf, saying I was ignoring her and all. Really? After what 8 months since late February 2016, since SheWolf came into my pack the fact is my life has revolved around her, only to be constantly bitched , accused and just being mean by SheWolf, that most men, would have said good bye sister. Two reasons I even stay with her, is A: I care about her, and B; she still owes the club a ton of money, including money from last month that has the Club's shop and me up against the wall. Yet I put up with this? Why? There's local women here that If I were not tied to SheWolf that could and would side up to this old canine in a half heart beat. From Lisa at the Tumbleweed to a few others here, I said no, because I was loyal to SheWolf. Again why? I get told that I'm a Jackass and yet keep getting hit over the head. 
So plans are to get things wrapped up at the shop on LexiBelle, and LiL Lexi, get moved to Ricks, then get General JaXson, fixed then its get my butt outta here. Back to prowling the forests of life solo and by myself.
Maybe its just time. No we're not broke up, but really taking a break. About the only phone call, I want to hear from her is confirmation numbers to the money she owes the Club. I know early Merry Christmas. 
Then of course there's the howling, about who I can and can't see, communicate with and even chat with on FB. Like this new one named Heather, or Nicole. Really? Nobody tells me who I can jaw with on FB or anyplace anywhere. 
See ya'll on the radio in the afternoon.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

The act of just a simple touch of a human female can do more than any medicine

Later tonite I'll get into this much deeper and so on, but thing is yesterday trucked into the local Pilot Travel Plaza here in ETown. The gals working there must have sensed the extreme stress I was going through keeping a mild level head of keeping the shop open, running this radio gig for the club, and going towing, when the eldest of em came up and gave me a bear hug. I must have sobbed like a infant . The whole thing might have lasted 10 minutes or so, but it was something I needed. Sydni and the other two came over and joined in. They know the stress I'm under, and although Pilot is one of our main supporters as a chain, still they have no idea of that, this was just something out of kindness these women did. Two of which are considering very strongly of coming to work for the Knytes here at IKR/HazzardAyre. But I wonder sometimes, do we ever think of what a simple jesture it is to be shown a bit of tenderness? Same thing happened a few months ago down at Tumbleweeds. I was undergoing so much weight on my shoulders that even though Heavenly Father says he wont give us more than we can bare I sometimes I think he does. Be that as it is, with all that has occured here in ETown, some have asked why not just bag it here? Even a few who work for some of our parts vendors think the same, that this town is dead or parishing to the point that the stench would gag a maggot. But its that same thing that drives me, to at least make one of these op's we started here work. Even if the damn thing what ever it is just breaks even, to say I and the Knytes did it would be satisfaction. 
But yesterday, Ilene , Syd, and Brenda made my day. 
More later I'm headed to bed, see you on the Cyber Radio.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Us guys love our blondes

Hey crew, think maybe Celeste and Sydni is thinking strong on working for the media crew. Had a long talk and one a partly feel em up conversation with both, so we might have some quality getting on board of the Reaper Crew so we'll see. Seems they too have gotten tired of the Pilot Travel center and are looking for greener pastures. 
Getting ready to get on air on and this might come from watching too much Halloween Town, on Disney, but there is the last version of the series that came out in 2006 with a hottie named Sara Paxton
 Just gets me all kinds of Twitterpaited. I mean this gal is hot and has talent, need to snoop more in on this one could be good for one of our features.
Then went off to Maverick to get something to eat. Now the one on Front street here in ETown is known for being the ultimate clusterfucks, as most of any of the any time food stores as well as fast food joints, but I thought the one out on 189 was safe from the nuclear fallout clusterfuck illness. Nope wrong. Got the thing home, no mayo, tasted like it was or had been there for months. So the dog got it, munched down the tater chips and as said taking time to wind down take a nap, to get on air overnight.
Waited all day for SheWolf to call with confirmation numbers , no call. Guess that is pending, although now I have credit card transactions going back two months, and see where the money is going. The money that should be going to the Club, and what made us loose much of the radio gig crediability and loss of someone that could have been a good employee. 
I told SheWolf, the only time I want to hear from her for a time is when she's calling in with confirmation numbers. All of the $600.00 had better be here this coming Tuesday, or the engaged status on My FB page goes back to single. 
Getting back to Blondes. Don't judge a blonde until you really know her. The only real way to know if she's a real angelic blonde is not by the hairs of her head but by the hairs under her shorts. If her pubic hairs are blonde then so is she, and that means a real keeper. In my life I have had two that have been dependable workers, Robin(Miss Dixie Diesel 93) and Erin. And yes both are very blonde. Of course there's Peggy my grade school crush. She was the ultimate blonde, so was Michelle, and come to think of it so was Jolene, (niece of Senator Orin Hatch of Utah), who I was dating from age 4 to age 6, ( hey I started early) All had curvy legs and yes most wore stocking of a sort. Maybe that's where this nylon thing started. Maybe that's why I need a blonde beside me ? Who knows. 
See ya'll on the radio starting at 04:00 on