Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Sex is like politics, once you think you have found the right candidate another pops up that makes you think!!

It's no secret as to what makes me frisky. A set of curvy legs , dainty toes in some style of nylon hosiery. There's no mystery there. The fact that I have not dipped my joint into anyone since 2009, and the fact that what little human to female human contact I have been able to get is near so much too little too late. There are times that if the situation availed itself, if I could even close the deal. The last time that I was even close to the smell of that kind of victory, I had the shivers so bad I could have threaded a sewing machine with it running. Even before that back in Utah long before I met SheWolf and all, I was within inches of meeting a dream, and I spased out so bad you'dve thought I was going into an eplileptic fit. The ah private dancer was so shook up she left, and I had to finish myself. I got over that but whew was it a night. Since then many encounters have corrected that, but last night after the Knyte' Halloween gig, there was one that was breathing pretty strong. I didn't of course since I'm committed to SheWolf, and I believe in loyalty, and trust and honor, above all, but I thought what if Brianna had got a bit more aggressive? With that said lets move on. 
Next Tuesday most of America will vote and elect a new President of these unionized states. Some of us were leaning towards Hilary Clinton, because of her up front so called Southern Breeding. That turned out to be a con amongst all others. So up pops Donald Trump, who on the surface seems good for the job of President, but how any right minded Confederate can vote for a Republican is beyond me. Sure we don't have much of a choice. But don't say this old Alpha Wolf didn't warn you.
Back in 2008 at the threshold of Obama getting elected , I said then, rather than just bark of forming a political party with Confederate roots , do just that. Through rallies, meetings, petitions, the states of Idaho and Utah ratified the Confederate National Party. You can legally nominate, vote and elect someone on the CNP and it stick. But did anybody else listen then? In 2012 when the movement was to remove our flag of Dixie from the roof of a car from the Dukes-of-Hazzard, I howled and said lets get up some steam behind the CNP, how about a few people cough up say $100.00 as a one time pledge to further the cause of the CNP, did anyone listen? No!! In mid 2014 when the only still LIVE voice of today's Confederacy was in need, about to loose studio, and license due to low funds, and I begged many of you to donate the same amount of money that you'd spend going out and getting drunk on the first of the month to help save the voice of today's Confederacy. Did you do it? Nope. Now I know that times are tuff, I know that many of you are living pay check to pay check, and I know that guy now in power in the White House ain't done you many favors, but its for that same reason, you should donate, so we as the nation of Dixie can put up a candidate, run ads on the major news TV and cable networks to get them to sit up and recognize that the Confederacy is something powerful and serious. I know there are so many people out there that climb on board for things southern, thinking its trendy or hip. I do it because my ancestors are southern, my blood runs Dixie gray, I sing the Dixie national anthem, and yes while I stand for old Glory, I put my hand over my heart for the sweet flag of Dixie. The south is not just the 13 original southern states, the south, like Hazzard County is not just a place on Earth but a place in your heart and soul. The Confederacy is not just a cause, its a religion. Again our nation is facing some serious issues, no matter who gets elected. People want to break apart from the Union, but fail to realize and admit, that the confederacy is not as I said just those original states, but some out west, like Idaho, Utah and parts of Wyoming. While few of the south jumped up to go for President, where were some of ya'll when the Governor of Louisiana was in the race? Didn't anyone think of getting behind him? No you jumped in bed with Donald, and now your going to get his offspring. I just read where Social Security beneficiaries will get a 3% bump in benefits. Want to see how old Donald is going to try and circumvent that? He wants you to pick cotton, and hoe beats , even if your shoulder is out of joint, or you can't breathe. 
I remember and I wrote this years ago when I was residing in Glenn's Ferry Idaho. Some people are as stupid as maggots. I watched an episode then, when Jay Leno still hosted the Tonight Show. He made mention just after the Government bailed out General Motors, who now makes Buicks in China and sells em in the US, as domestic cars. Or Dodge, who is split owned now between a Swedish car manufacturer and a German truck manufacturer. Or AIG Insurance. With those billions of dollars, Jay suggested in comedy of takeing $300,000.00 and giving that to every American as a one time gift. Put their Social Security Payments on hold until age 80, and let em use that $300k to build a business, get more education, buy a home and or a new car or all 3. That makes sense. Don't just give people a hand out , give them a hand up. Over the last 20 years we have had Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama. Corruption from every place, homes being foreclosed on, there is a long list. Is there an answer ? Yes, its called the Confederate National Party, and we should be shouting this from the roof tops. Whether its on CSC Talk Radio with BethAnn, or on FoX News, and everywhere we can, the time to get it together to get a candidate ready and able to represent today's Confederacy and Southern Liberty, on the Confederate National Party is now. Take some of your beer and smoke money, take some time to evaluate the truth, and help the Iron Knytes to construct a serious effort to elect someone who believes that for 200 years we have been under oppression, by Yankee's its time for liberty and Freedom by southern and Confederate Activists. Help us further the cause to enhance our radio networks and for a TV satellite channel. Give a voice to the Confederacy, not just post things sometimes to be hip and popular on Facebook. Sure like it was when I was about to have sex with a private dancer after not being touched and got the shakes, you might get the shake digging in your wallets and your purses. but what's liberty and freedom worth to you.

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