Morning fellow Hazzard-Ites, its a great morning indeed.
Just watching that Hazzard County rising sun, its always a reminder that with even the darkest night, there is a refreshing light, most often delivered through the light of Jesus Christ.
Let's be upfront here while I do question some theological foundations of the church I was and am a seed of the Mormon denomination. Here lately however I have began to question that loyalty to that denomination. Not to its gospel, or teachings, but to those who find it easy to manipulate those writings of the founders of the gospel. Mainly those founders taught, and I have pegged it down to the geological area of Alma and Nephi, as being in the slot between South America, and southern Mexico.
So that being all said, lets explore some ideals here. First, beit, the Book-of-Mormon or the Bible itself, our Heavenly Father commanded that no word shall be added to or taken away from those books. However as evolution progressed many chapters of both books were lost. Those ancient scolls were destroyed over time due to age and ancient methods of preservation. I say this, this morning as I consume my breakfast, that I was reading a conference meeting held in Provo Utah a few days ago, about the excluding or including of the word or concept of Grace. Second Nephi says by Grace, and grace being a foundation of all. That it is by Gods way that he gives grace, knowing full well that no man or woman or of the humanoid species can be correct or perfect all the time, yet and this is a fact, God will not stop you from stubbing your toe , but will ease your pain from that by his grace. One lady who presides as the CEO of Deseret Book Company says that God doesn't wait until your butt is being fried before he steps in. That he doesn't wait for the point your fanny is against the wall, before he acts on YOUR behalf. I beg to differ. It's only when we have our tails in the fire that we as arrogant humans finally say Jesus take the wheel, I'm stuck, since its only when we are of a contrite heart that we are humbled enough to say God, I need help, and only then being humbled that we are not all that is when miracles take place and our cans are pulled out of that fire.
Speaking of things on a biblical scale here.
Back in early 2013 caught between going to church at a LDS ward since I was not welcome there, and having theological differences with the River Fellowship, of Twin Falls Idaho, a few of the Hazzard County Knytes and the WolfPack started meeting down at the rivers edge rest area just outside of Hazzard Idaho. The Idaho Department of Transportation allowed us to use a electric hook up so we could have a PA system, and power an amp for a guitar to sing hymns. We assembled ourselves from a script line from our fave TV show the Dukes of Hazzard, that had a con artist named Rayford Flicker, who was selling bibles under the name of the Amalgamated Church of Dixie. So that's what we named our worship group, the Amalgamated Church of Dixie. To date here we have 20 people that still assemble there and even though our numbers are small as Jesus taught, if even 3 of you assemble under my name, there I be also. We have no big building, no fancy benches, or pews nope just some rocks, picinic tables, under the building God made, not one that is or was man made. We meet on Saturday's rather than Sundays since Heavenly Father taught that on the 7th day he rested, the word in Saturday, being sat or the past participle of the word sit, is the true Sabbath Day. We meet at noon there at the Rivers Edge at the north Rest area, near Hazzard, Idaho. If your in the area, stop by as all are welcome.
Our second lesson will be on Sunday right here on Cooter's Gazzette.
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