Friday, December 15, 2017

A Hazzard County Friday Morning to Ya'll and I'm a mouse kind of guy not a pad guy

Good morning to ya'll from Hazzard County. it's only going to get into the 50's today in Hazzard, and really cold tonight, althought it ain't really too warm outside right now. 
I had a carpetbagging Yankee yap to me early last night about me being a swindler and a scallywag. That I don't pay bills and so on. My response to him and to all who care. God taught and Commanded that we should always treat others the way we'd like to be treated. In the case of paying bills, I always pay bills if and only when whoever sold me something etc, gives me what I want or what I'm paying for. If ya'll don't , don't expect to be paid, its that simple. Example ; A year and a half ago, my tiny Laptop computer went down, as the touch pad would not work(more on that in a few centons) so I took my Laptop to a outfit near Evanston Wyoming called PC Innovators. After 4 months and a bunch of crap it wasn't repaired. So I brought it home, a sweet lady named Codi-Lee, did some fumbling with it, hit a reset button, and it worked. But this time last year had a hard drive go out on it and I had to take it to a guy in Etown at a place called Cajun Computers. Both my Laptop, and old Bessie. He replaced the hard drive okay, but failed to reload a bunch of media software I needed for both to work right. So earlier tonight I started trying to watch some DVD's. Trouble is Win10 has bad software to watch DVD's and Win7 needed a secondary driver. So was downloading and installing files. Bottom line, Mike at Cajun Computers did revive both of my computational tools, but failed to reinstall all the driver software. As such, he did not finish what he started with my equipment and as such he don't get paid. In the same lane, bought a 2002 Saturn, which is the next ride to where the handle of Little General JaXson. For the first week, it had a couple of bad tires which the folks at Happy-Happy Motors here in Wendell fixed free. The car is cheap on gas, cheap to run, and still smells like a new car. Guess who get's paid each month early? Yep, John at Happy-Happy Motors. With me respect and honor is not freely given, its earned. 
Okay then, I dislike these laptops with these touch pads. I like the old fashioned wire ethernet mouses. A thumb wheel, and you can move stuff around much easier. 
Now if I can just get CenturyLink to reinstall the plug for the low speed Internet, to my office rather than the wifi out in the front room. Even get it to run a tad faster would be great that way it don't take two days to down load a file.
As I leave you this morning, two things. I want to say watching a Hazzard County Sunrise is one of the most beautiful things you'll ever see. If ya'll ain't been here your missing something. Taking time to appreciate a gift from God that no matter how bad your troubles seem to be , be thankful you get another day to try. 
From the Amalgamated Church of Dixie comes this bible verse: Proverbs 31 verse 6 and 7, reads: Give strong drink to him who is perishing and wine to those who are bitter of heart, verse 7 reads; Let him drink and forget his poverty. HazzardAyre Radio with your radio wolf here returns next Saturday on
Keep it tween the ditches

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