Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Women are so emotional and strange there is no understanding the moods

We male corpuscles are very predictable and overall stable. We have only 5 things that makes us comfortable and satisfied, good greasy food, hot pig sex, that means root around sex, Our TV and Remote, Our trucks, and good brew. Plus lots of sleep, something that comes from the thing of busting our butts to make a buck. Outside of that we're very stable. However if one was to attempt and it'd be a terrible attempt, for anyone to write an owners manual for women or the woman your about to get hitched to would be an impossible task. There is no ascernable point of reference and complete information to base a long term examination resulting into a conclusion.
No matter how much a guy swears by the bible he is not cheating and being faithful, you still get blamed for cheating. Even if its a real fact that NO woman a guy knows outside of the relationship wants him, in his town , region, or nation. And yet YOU get accused of mating with every woman in the village. What gives? Or you get accused of ignoring a woman, only because a guy's body gives out, he gets ill, from long hours of physical labor, and mental strain. Maybe even if the latter mental strain was caused maybe by her, or circumstances that could be avoided by her not doing what he told her to do in the first place, like getting rid of a pre pay charge card when a real bank account would be better. Sure a gal may feel squeemish about trusting her male corpuscle with total control over the house or even her finances. Which in my case I wouldn't do if all was good, on that point, but from the obvious last month, had I been in charge the crap over Amscot would have never happened. 
Of course with women there are so many moods and bilogical traumas that a man can't completely understand. Sure there is PMS, cramps, feeling ugly during that visit of the month from Mother nature, the whole estrogen thing. While us male corpuscles experience certain amounts of that, because its a curse by Mother nature that we males have albeit less, but still have estrogen genes, meaning we'll get cramps, water weight gain, and all that. I even asked a medical professional twice if its true men can experience these things, after seeing a club member excrete milk from his breasts. Her response was yes we can, and that we men carry albeit in a state of reserve , but we carry equipment to carry a baby to term. Many men would never admit they have bits of estrogen in their systems, still we do, so we can understand the situation, but at a certain age that dries up, and we experience something called menopause, which also creates a certain drain of Testosterone and need or want to get bred on a all the time basis. Our balls hang down further, our voices get even deeper, and our bodies change. 
I glanced at my SheWolf's FB page, and saw she was in a state of self pity. This usually comes from a point of a lot of self insecurity, bad self esteem, and lack of self worth. Which in my She Wolf's case is total manure. Now there could be some basis for this, from the fact that I work with many drop dead knock your pecker in the mud women. Many that I see on a daily basis doing on screen and production work, but I have learned that all that war paint, those tight fitting clothes, mini skirts, hosiery, and all that when it comes off and they are done for the day, they too are grumpy, smell bad, and poop, puke, and ugly before applying that war paint. Plus I also learned years ago, a thing my Dad taught early in business, you never dip your pen into the company ink, that means you do not date or anything those women you work with or who you employ. You just don't do it. Doing so removes all authority and objectivity. If you let out your sausage at work, you just made her in charge, and your no longer the boss. If you all don't think so, look at Bill and Hilary Clinton. More over how Bill Presidency was shot down after Monica Lewinsky. But I'm getting away from the topic here.
Women are simply strange, their moods can't be understood , their emotions confusing , and worst of all, Unpredictable. 
Stay truckin.

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