Sunday, October 23, 2016

But do you really love her, in my case I sure do!!

There's two kinds of love a guy has for a woman. The first is a superficial kind, where you kinda love her , but only if she's got a knock down dig it in the clouds body and wears all kinds of fancy clothes and tons of make up to hide her imperfections, and trust me she will have at least some, and even have under arm pit smells. 
Seems all too many men have this kind of love but its usually short lived and usually because some other guy, got the itch and wanted her too. Superficial women usually will cost you tons and tons of money and Never hardly ever offer to dig in her purse to help the guy when things get too tight on expenses usually caused by superficial women.
Then there is the women who are never ever going to be a fashion or for that matter any kind of model nor win any beauty contest, but who will love a guy, with the kind of love that says, she really loves him and wants to make him proud and proud of her. Even to the point of paying dues to his organization and helping with expenses so he can keep earning. Such is the case of My SheWolf, Shelly. Sure she's not the hottest blonde supr girl of the century, but she has backed me in every kind of endeavor I have undertaken, even at the point that I broke up with her in April, cause I thought I could do better, mostly due to a shrinking bank account and stress over the shop, and all. But Shelly hung in like a trooper, the Club paid $4,000.00 of her medical bills and like a loyal wife of a MC member does she has coughed up $500.00 every month since except for October here, but not by her choice, but by some idiots at Amscot, and someone ordering things from that she didn't authorize. But that said she is my lady and come this next August she and I will unite in Holy Matrimony either in Sturgis or Cooter's Place in Nashville. 
Sure my SheWolf isn't the TV hottie but neither am I the Mr. GQ from TV either, Maybe that's why I'm on radio. 
All too many guys love and want a hot blonde untouchable , I'd rather have my Shelly a not so blonde but very touchable. 

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