Monday, August 8, 2016

I did not go to Church or be on air because of McDonalds and damn the web trolls

There was an alert I snagged yesterday whilest attempting to get some reading in between emptying out my stomache yet again, on thieves committing their craft while people are asleep , away from home as well as breaking and entering cars and trucks here in Evanston. Didn't think much of it, since anyone with any brains knows that entering either my shop, or the Wolf's Lair, can result in ones death, when uninvited. But I was doing some inventory examination here and found some electronic toys missing, even out my bedroom. Bottom line, time to begin locking the Wolf's Lair and General JaXson. Here's a population of 13k, and while I have my suspicions of the who, the shot gun is getting loaded.
Okay then, didn't go to church Sunday morning. I wanted to , but my body was too pooped from being up all night turning my innerds inside out. That bad two Fish sandwiches really caused me pain, and anguish. So by the time Church was about to start, I was rolling over in my bed. 
Then this evening in attempting a lift off of our new show on Livestream, HazzardAyre Coast 2 Coast FM I caught a notice from some seat cover says shes from Ogden, that saw our ad on Casting360. Says shes from Arkansas and has the southern voice and all. Says she wants a shot, but no way to reply to her. No phone, no email addy. So we will see if she's real. The reason I'm being real cautious is this. The other day whilest ingesting McDonalds poison , I got a cell call, with a foreign phone number , one of those 1+120 type prefixes. Pretty soon after is when we started to have problems with the computer. Maybe a coincidence , but I still think old Betsy was being targeted. Got most things going again, but in these days, with economies collapsing , liberties and freedoms collapsing and degrading. People are going to find a way for them to feed their multitudes of children and themselves. Web trolls are all over looking for a way to breach YOUR computer, just to make you give up your bank accounts. As far as mine, there ain't nothing in it, in fact $40.00 overdrawn . They'll never get into our organizations computer cuz that's damn near so locked down, that only government agencies can get in and even then with our approval. 
Which brings me to my last thing. The Club had a bit of a mental internal review yesterday. We did a cyber call, and conference meeting. We talked over the movie, radio network, shop, me and Shelly, who by the way is now 4 months closer to be eligible to come home, since she has nearly paid her bill to the organization, but we addressed many things. One of which was the aging of many of the officers and the changes in lives for many of our immediate charters members. Outside of myself and big Ricky, most of the original founding members are getting older. While its not time to call it a day or any of us being put out to the barn yard, still many of us are just not able due to age and thus health restrictions to be able to run at the pace that we used to. Plus the ability to recruit, new membership under the current structure is difficult if possible at all. Mention of me taking the reins in case something were to take Ricky from us, but even myself, I'm not desiring that , nor wanting that. Only if I had to would I take that crown of President. That all said, we have decided to start pruining some branches and restructure the organization. Putting our founding objectives back into place, put in to doing more for OTR haulers and towing rather than so much two wheel programs. In essence more truck, less bike. More Hazzard County , less SAMCRO.  Considering there are now 250,000 members nationwide of the organization, which for the 411 of Beaver Dick and a few others breaks down to, 50k members in the Knytes-of-Dixie, 50K members in the Hazzard Knytes, 50k in the Deere-Dazzlers Association, 50k in the Rode Knytes Association and 50K in the AyreWolvez Military Aviation Association. All of them depend on strong leadership, and an organization that's there when they need us. Yet as us who founded the organization in late 1982, are of such poor health that all we can do is office work any more. Ron's hands are such that he can't even grip for very long a bass guitar , Allen, is of such he has to have an oxegen bottle most of the time. Big Ricky's legs are such that walking requires pain meds, 3 of us have diabetes , the list goes on. Where are the new members going to come from? The needs of this nation are so great, that the Knytes need to remain together. There is NO OTHER organization fighting the establishment like we are, nor as strongly. But what happens when we bite the dust? So the reintroduction, of where we started from as a 4-H truck transportation organization is being considered. Yes resurrecting the TeenAge Truckers Association.  More this evening on the show.
Have a good day, and maybe Casting360 can do a bit more in the department of getting us the talent we need for the movie of all movies, The Hazzard County Knytes.

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