Tiz the season for joy and laughter, and for getting away with hi jinx you most likely wouldn't get away with at any other time of the year. Like manuvering a super fox from Church under missletoe so you can get a juicy smooch, especially when she's wearing that sour apple liquid lipstick, or taking a hug, during services. Makes extending good will to others a whole different meaning. Or accepting an invite for a bite being bought by that lady from Church, knowing she doesn't have much money, so you chow down at McDonalds, that and the fact that most everything worth eating at are all closed, Christmas eve and all. So off to the McDonalds we went. Discussed the turn down from Mike Stockton, from the River Fellowship, and how she thought they were stupid for doing so since who they hired is just a hardly dry behind the ears intern. In any case Steph is thinking of swinging our way, since as she says we are popular, Stockton's operation isn't.
Okay then, drove home and needing some things stopped at Walmart in Jerome, wouldn't you know it, forgot soap. Oh well I'll just smell funny for a couple of days, no big deal. Have vaginal smell on one hand and McDonalds on the other. Strange combination.
Now there's many of you who are saying, but you have Shelly. Sure yes I do, but the distance between us and I'm not just saying miles or geography, the fact there is a wide gap, of similar interests, economic profiles, education, and lifestyles even if Shelly get's here its going to be a bunch of work, making us work. Then there is the situation of her banking and my banking, and the fact if she really wants to be here at all. If she did , she'd get busy getting her SSI in her name, getting to the bank, getting that in her name, setting up a true bank account instead of Amscot, and so on. I love Shelly very much, but I'll be John Brown, if she's going to come out here and us at each others necks over money like we were in Evanston.
My emotional stability just wont take it, and that's why I'm holding off on pushing buttons to bring her back out here.
On the flip side, there is this Tracy chick, that showed some interest in this old rebel canine. While no money has changed hands and it don't matter who it is, the Knytes have a stead fast rule, all female members in what is called the Ladies-of-the-Knytes has to pay $600.00 a month for a minimum of 2 years. This determines their dedication and loyalty to the club. Just like it says on our fb pages one of which now is closed to the public and only club members can post. If you want to post or be part of the Knytes-of-Dixie, fb page its $300.00 a month for guys, $600.00 for women, you have to be pledged by one of us as patched members as at least a prospect, or a right of acension member. If not don't ask to be on our fb page, and don't even ask to get in the door here at the Rode House. So left Walmart, and one Big Mac didn't do it, so drove over to the one out in Jerome. Now I'm not into Mexican food, but there was this hot chiquita in there that had my body blood bubbling, she was hot. Wanted to just flat snag and grab right there and I can't say I wouldn't have if she'd have asked. Considering its been since 2002 since I have any good sweet mating with anything real. Hell I'm so in need to breed I'd nail a poodle if she said here big boy. (I'm not talking about a 4 legged poodle either) Thing is if something blonde and pink gave me a wink, name fifi said smell me, I'd be a sniffing.
Any mile,
Maximum Overdrive/HazzardAyre Radio is two hours away, just log onto to www.spreaker.com/ayrewolf and join in.
Later Ya'll
Sunday, December 24, 2017
Friday, December 15, 2017
You always know its those damn liberal Yankee's when
Ya'll always know its those damn liberal Yankee's from spook bay California that gives the middle finger and wont post in much of any form anyone showing our beloved flag of Dixie. The flag has no connection or little connection to racism, slavery or rebel, nor even Confederate, it is the beloved true symbol of a people who had just plain enough and enuff of Yankee stupid.
To them I say, you just don't know, nor understand.
To them I say, you just don't know, nor understand.
Don't you wish that everywhere did as we in Hazzard County do?
Morning fellow Hazzard-Ites, its a great morning indeed.
Just watching that Hazzard County rising sun, its always a reminder that with even the darkest night, there is a refreshing light, most often delivered through the light of Jesus Christ.
Let's be upfront here while I do question some theological foundations of the church I was and am a seed of the Mormon denomination. Here lately however I have began to question that loyalty to that denomination. Not to its gospel, or teachings, but to those who find it easy to manipulate those writings of the founders of the gospel. Mainly those founders taught, and I have pegged it down to the geological area of Alma and Nephi, as being in the slot between South America, and southern Mexico.
So that being all said, lets explore some ideals here. First, beit, the Book-of-Mormon or the Bible itself, our Heavenly Father commanded that no word shall be added to or taken away from those books. However as evolution progressed many chapters of both books were lost. Those ancient scolls were destroyed over time due to age and ancient methods of preservation. I say this, this morning as I consume my breakfast, that I was reading a conference meeting held in Provo Utah a few days ago, about the excluding or including of the word or concept of Grace. Second Nephi says by Grace, and grace being a foundation of all. That it is by Gods way that he gives grace, knowing full well that no man or woman or of the humanoid species can be correct or perfect all the time, yet and this is a fact, God will not stop you from stubbing your toe , but will ease your pain from that by his grace. One lady who presides as the CEO of Deseret Book Company says that God doesn't wait until your butt is being fried before he steps in. That he doesn't wait for the point your fanny is against the wall, before he acts on YOUR behalf. I beg to differ. It's only when we have our tails in the fire that we as arrogant humans finally say Jesus take the wheel, I'm stuck, since its only when we are of a contrite heart that we are humbled enough to say God, I need help, and only then being humbled that we are not all that is when miracles take place and our cans are pulled out of that fire.
Speaking of things on a biblical scale here.
Back in early 2013 caught between going to church at a LDS ward since I was not welcome there, and having theological differences with the River Fellowship, of Twin Falls Idaho, a few of the Hazzard County Knytes and the WolfPack started meeting down at the rivers edge rest area just outside of Hazzard Idaho. The Idaho Department of Transportation allowed us to use a electric hook up so we could have a PA system, and power an amp for a guitar to sing hymns. We assembled ourselves from a script line from our fave TV show the Dukes of Hazzard, that had a con artist named Rayford Flicker, who was selling bibles under the name of the Amalgamated Church of Dixie. So that's what we named our worship group, the Amalgamated Church of Dixie. To date here we have 20 people that still assemble there and even though our numbers are small as Jesus taught, if even 3 of you assemble under my name, there I be also. We have no big building, no fancy benches, or pews nope just some rocks, picinic tables, under the building God made, not one that is or was man made. We meet on Saturday's rather than Sundays since Heavenly Father taught that on the 7th day he rested, the word in Saturday, being sat or the past participle of the word sit, is the true Sabbath Day. We meet at noon there at the Rivers Edge at the north Rest area, near Hazzard, Idaho. If your in the area, stop by as all are welcome.
Our second lesson will be on Sunday right here on Cooter's Gazzette.
Just watching that Hazzard County rising sun, its always a reminder that with even the darkest night, there is a refreshing light, most often delivered through the light of Jesus Christ.
Let's be upfront here while I do question some theological foundations of the church I was and am a seed of the Mormon denomination. Here lately however I have began to question that loyalty to that denomination. Not to its gospel, or teachings, but to those who find it easy to manipulate those writings of the founders of the gospel. Mainly those founders taught, and I have pegged it down to the geological area of Alma and Nephi, as being in the slot between South America, and southern Mexico.
So that being all said, lets explore some ideals here. First, beit, the Book-of-Mormon or the Bible itself, our Heavenly Father commanded that no word shall be added to or taken away from those books. However as evolution progressed many chapters of both books were lost. Those ancient scolls were destroyed over time due to age and ancient methods of preservation. I say this, this morning as I consume my breakfast, that I was reading a conference meeting held in Provo Utah a few days ago, about the excluding or including of the word or concept of Grace. Second Nephi says by Grace, and grace being a foundation of all. That it is by Gods way that he gives grace, knowing full well that no man or woman or of the humanoid species can be correct or perfect all the time, yet and this is a fact, God will not stop you from stubbing your toe , but will ease your pain from that by his grace. One lady who presides as the CEO of Deseret Book Company says that God doesn't wait until your butt is being fried before he steps in. That he doesn't wait for the point your fanny is against the wall, before he acts on YOUR behalf. I beg to differ. It's only when we have our tails in the fire that we as arrogant humans finally say Jesus take the wheel, I'm stuck, since its only when we are of a contrite heart that we are humbled enough to say God, I need help, and only then being humbled that we are not all that is when miracles take place and our cans are pulled out of that fire.
Speaking of things on a biblical scale here.
Back in early 2013 caught between going to church at a LDS ward since I was not welcome there, and having theological differences with the River Fellowship, of Twin Falls Idaho, a few of the Hazzard County Knytes and the WolfPack started meeting down at the rivers edge rest area just outside of Hazzard Idaho. The Idaho Department of Transportation allowed us to use a electric hook up so we could have a PA system, and power an amp for a guitar to sing hymns. We assembled ourselves from a script line from our fave TV show the Dukes of Hazzard, that had a con artist named Rayford Flicker, who was selling bibles under the name of the Amalgamated Church of Dixie. So that's what we named our worship group, the Amalgamated Church of Dixie. To date here we have 20 people that still assemble there and even though our numbers are small as Jesus taught, if even 3 of you assemble under my name, there I be also. We have no big building, no fancy benches, or pews nope just some rocks, picinic tables, under the building God made, not one that is or was man made. We meet on Saturday's rather than Sundays since Heavenly Father taught that on the 7th day he rested, the word in Saturday, being sat or the past participle of the word sit, is the true Sabbath Day. We meet at noon there at the Rivers Edge at the north Rest area, near Hazzard, Idaho. If your in the area, stop by as all are welcome.
Our second lesson will be on Sunday right here on Cooter's Gazzette.
A Hazzard County Friday Morning to Ya'll and I'm a mouse kind of guy not a pad guy
Good morning to ya'll from Hazzard County. it's only going to get into the 50's today in Hazzard, and really cold tonight, althought it ain't really too warm outside right now.
I had a carpetbagging Yankee yap to me early last night about me being a swindler and a scallywag. That I don't pay bills and so on. My response to him and to all who care. God taught and Commanded that we should always treat others the way we'd like to be treated. In the case of paying bills, I always pay bills if and only when whoever sold me something etc, gives me what I want or what I'm paying for. If ya'll don't , don't expect to be paid, its that simple. Example ; A year and a half ago, my tiny Laptop computer went down, as the touch pad would not work(more on that in a few centons) so I took my Laptop to a outfit near Evanston Wyoming called PC Innovators. After 4 months and a bunch of crap it wasn't repaired. So I brought it home, a sweet lady named Codi-Lee, did some fumbling with it, hit a reset button, and it worked. But this time last year had a hard drive go out on it and I had to take it to a guy in Etown at a place called Cajun Computers. Both my Laptop, and old Bessie. He replaced the hard drive okay, but failed to reload a bunch of media software I needed for both to work right. So earlier tonight I started trying to watch some DVD's. Trouble is Win10 has bad software to watch DVD's and Win7 needed a secondary driver. So was downloading and installing files. Bottom line, Mike at Cajun Computers did revive both of my computational tools, but failed to reinstall all the driver software. As such, he did not finish what he started with my equipment and as such he don't get paid. In the same lane, bought a 2002 Saturn, which is the next ride to where the handle of Little General JaXson. For the first week, it had a couple of bad tires which the folks at Happy-Happy Motors here in Wendell fixed free. The car is cheap on gas, cheap to run, and still smells like a new car. Guess who get's paid each month early? Yep, John at Happy-Happy Motors. With me respect and honor is not freely given, its earned.
Okay then, I dislike these laptops with these touch pads. I like the old fashioned wire ethernet mouses. A thumb wheel, and you can move stuff around much easier.
Now if I can just get CenturyLink to reinstall the plug for the low speed Internet, to my office rather than the wifi out in the front room. Even get it to run a tad faster would be great that way it don't take two days to down load a file.
As I leave you this morning, two things. I want to say watching a Hazzard County Sunrise is one of the most beautiful things you'll ever see. If ya'll ain't been here your missing something. Taking time to appreciate a gift from God that no matter how bad your troubles seem to be , be thankful you get another day to try.
From the Amalgamated Church of Dixie comes this bible verse: Proverbs 31 verse 6 and 7, reads: Give strong drink to him who is perishing and wine to those who are bitter of heart, verse 7 reads; Let him drink and forget his poverty. HazzardAyre Radio with your radio wolf here returns next Saturday on www.spreaker.com/ayrewolf
Keep it tween the ditches
I had a carpetbagging Yankee yap to me early last night about me being a swindler and a scallywag. That I don't pay bills and so on. My response to him and to all who care. God taught and Commanded that we should always treat others the way we'd like to be treated. In the case of paying bills, I always pay bills if and only when whoever sold me something etc, gives me what I want or what I'm paying for. If ya'll don't , don't expect to be paid, its that simple. Example ; A year and a half ago, my tiny Laptop computer went down, as the touch pad would not work(more on that in a few centons) so I took my Laptop to a outfit near Evanston Wyoming called PC Innovators. After 4 months and a bunch of crap it wasn't repaired. So I brought it home, a sweet lady named Codi-Lee, did some fumbling with it, hit a reset button, and it worked. But this time last year had a hard drive go out on it and I had to take it to a guy in Etown at a place called Cajun Computers. Both my Laptop, and old Bessie. He replaced the hard drive okay, but failed to reload a bunch of media software I needed for both to work right. So earlier tonight I started trying to watch some DVD's. Trouble is Win10 has bad software to watch DVD's and Win7 needed a secondary driver. So was downloading and installing files. Bottom line, Mike at Cajun Computers did revive both of my computational tools, but failed to reinstall all the driver software. As such, he did not finish what he started with my equipment and as such he don't get paid. In the same lane, bought a 2002 Saturn, which is the next ride to where the handle of Little General JaXson. For the first week, it had a couple of bad tires which the folks at Happy-Happy Motors here in Wendell fixed free. The car is cheap on gas, cheap to run, and still smells like a new car. Guess who get's paid each month early? Yep, John at Happy-Happy Motors. With me respect and honor is not freely given, its earned.
Okay then, I dislike these laptops with these touch pads. I like the old fashioned wire ethernet mouses. A thumb wheel, and you can move stuff around much easier.
Now if I can just get CenturyLink to reinstall the plug for the low speed Internet, to my office rather than the wifi out in the front room. Even get it to run a tad faster would be great that way it don't take two days to down load a file.
As I leave you this morning, two things. I want to say watching a Hazzard County Sunrise is one of the most beautiful things you'll ever see. If ya'll ain't been here your missing something. Taking time to appreciate a gift from God that no matter how bad your troubles seem to be , be thankful you get another day to try.
From the Amalgamated Church of Dixie comes this bible verse: Proverbs 31 verse 6 and 7, reads: Give strong drink to him who is perishing and wine to those who are bitter of heart, verse 7 reads; Let him drink and forget his poverty. HazzardAyre Radio with your radio wolf here returns next Saturday on www.spreaker.com/ayrewolf
Keep it tween the ditches
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Cooter's Corner Wednesday Morning
Good Wednesday Morning fellow Hazzard-ites. Been up most of the morning nursing a icky tummy and a pained right arm that is how did the Doc put it, traumatized. Its between sprained and broke, hey I always get something obscure, dang near as obscure as that one time after band camp when the WolfPack and I auditioned female body talent for our radio gig there in Utah and got sent a sister wife, of that John Kingston. How the hell did I know? Folks from Hazzard County always get sent zingers.
Thought it felt like it was to do some snowing overnight, as its been a tad bit warmer here in the Rode House.
Still trying to get this thing from Utah ironed out to get that $1100.00 they owe us. One thing you learn about dealing with Yankee government state agencies. 1st the head cookie never gets in the office before 10:00AM, second the staff of most of them are all to confused and more than likely underpaid, and unless your a close friend of one of those staff members, your not going to get top notch quick service.
Okay then, didn't mean too, but I put up a question in a fb group called Good Old Days, kind of a nostalgia type assemblege. I asked, " Remember when women wore nylons, and why did they stop?" Currently 100 hits or likes to the question. Hold on this could go viral.
Finally was over to the Hangar yesterday tooling on old Bruce's helo, and we got to talking, Bruce related that he and a few brainiacs were penning an idea to revamp the old TV series Moonlighting
this was a show I dearly loved that was not trucker or go fast gearhead TV. It was hip, funny, and showed just enough trash to be humorous.
Thought it felt like it was to do some snowing overnight, as its been a tad bit warmer here in the Rode House.
Still trying to get this thing from Utah ironed out to get that $1100.00 they owe us. One thing you learn about dealing with Yankee government state agencies. 1st the head cookie never gets in the office before 10:00AM, second the staff of most of them are all to confused and more than likely underpaid, and unless your a close friend of one of those staff members, your not going to get top notch quick service.
Okay then, didn't mean too, but I put up a question in a fb group called Good Old Days, kind of a nostalgia type assemblege. I asked, " Remember when women wore nylons, and why did they stop?" Currently 100 hits or likes to the question. Hold on this could go viral.
Finally was over to the Hangar yesterday tooling on old Bruce's helo, and we got to talking, Bruce related that he and a few brainiacs were penning an idea to revamp the old TV series Moonlighting

HazzardAyre Radio hosted by your truly should be back on the cyber air radio a week from Saturday, 5 full hours as we get things off and going, to elevate Hazzard County away from the Dukes. Stay Tuned.
Friday, July 21, 2017
More gears and got a engine light.
So then, the long awaited Decendants2 from Disney came and went. Was anticipating this for nearly 8 months now, but it fell, and fell hard. Disney ought to stick with tween and teen daily series' and forget making movies with talent from other now dead series'. Only good thing about it was the title song that many have downloaded from YouTube, the rest of the escapade hurled. Lets hope this is the end of this franchise.
Went to grab grub for the film, and saw a check engine light on ye old General. Time to get out the code reader.
Filling up the truck now still another heavy tow. This makes 8 so far in 4 days.
Just about got the station ready to fire, just need two heavy extension cords, and terminal connectors. Normally these are no biggy , but with the General not feeling too good, just need to wait.
Went to grab grub for the film, and saw a check engine light on ye old General. Time to get out the code reader.
Filling up the truck now still another heavy tow. This makes 8 so far in 4 days.
Just about got the station ready to fire, just need two heavy extension cords, and terminal connectors. Normally these are no biggy , but with the General not feeling too good, just need to wait.
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