I picked up on a post of the other CSA fb group page, about if one kid in South Carolina can cause this much junk requiring the removal of our flags, and tearing apart of our southern heritage, that we just line him up and pull the trigger, likewise of the Muslims and so on. In part I agree, if one comes to this nation green card or not and violates our nation, then either terminate that person, or at very least give em the boot. That said this nation,is, like it or not a melting pot of all creeds and ethnic groups. What if back in the 1820's or thereabouts if every Scotsman, Irishman, etc were tarnished and feathered just because they were of a paticular ethnic group? There would not be the Southern nation that we love. Since 80% of Southeners are Irish/Scottish roots. Our nation is a great place to reside. Yes there are many who are up in arms over violent crime and corruption in Government. Thing is if we a the Dixie Nation, are to finally win after nearly 200 years the things we once were accused of one, being racist, need to disprove that idea and belief. Or we are not telling the whole truth. As far as the Don being sworn in, hey I didn't vote for the crook. Sure Obama was not the President we thought he would be, and I can just see the noise that'll be made by all those TV ads for addition treatment and all, when the great Donald, rolls back Obamacare, but must we condemn people here that are of a different color or creed, just because they are ? Consider this, every time I hear or read someone bashing the Mexican's that come here to work and taking away jobs, I'd bitch too, if just one white kid, went out to a field and moved sprinkler pipe, hoed beets, picked rock, milked cows, shoveled manure and cleaned out a dairy barn, or picked produce. Thing is you can't get these so called privladged white kids to do that work. Especially for the wages migrant workers do it for, so why bitch, be glad when you eat that salad or pour that glass of milk that some migrant worker and a farmer made that possible.
This occurs everytime I bring up the concepts of feet, toes and hosiery. Right away from most especially women. First its the why, explained in other sections of this publication. Two; from the guys and some gals, is when I had to smooch those feet and all, is did they stink? Answer is no. For some odd unknown reason, Women's feet and toes especially in nylon hose,
do not smell bad. I have always wondered why, somebody told me once that the makers of such, put in a fragrance in the color dyes. The fact is this organization is based in part on the TV show Dukes-of-Hazzard. Which good or bad, had Daisy
who had at the time , the hottest legs on a woman known to man. Today Daisy's new comer April Scott
In any case, in the Day of the original Daisy Duke, by TV network, censors had to wear nylons. As such The Knytes in most of what we do along the lines of visual aids followed suit. Right down to my company slogan, that was much better than you put it in, we'll pull it out, we did it up as we love toews, which resulted in
which has for better or worse, has became a trade mark. However it has nothing to do, with me having a foot fetish. Yet this subject is one of those taboo things, that your not supposed to talk about. Women have 80% of most of their nerve endings in their feet. As such messing around with their feet especially their toes gets em all kinds of frisky. So they don't want to talk about it. When you do, expect the 20 questions .
Now back to my football game, maybe there is a corelation foot and ball. You decide.