Monday, June 16, 2014
America lost part of itself over the weekend
I’m still in somewhat shock, and sadness as I get ready to produce another HazzardAyre Show for this afternoon. As one of broadcastings and America’s Icons passed away this past weekend at age 82. Somehow I can’t imagine the always a teen rocker icon being 82. Needless to say, Casey Kassm passed away, and with it took some of us at least in spirit with him.
The first time I subbed for a friend on a Sunday afternoon at the then KMTW FM(now KLIX FM ) 96.5 Twin Falls to run AT40 I was first surprised that AT40 was recorded. After all, the many years prior starting in 1970, when I’d tune to KCPX AM 1320 SLC Utah to hear the original, AT40, I thought it was a live show. In fact AT40 was a big box full of 3 long playing vinyl lp’s with the station breaks already marked in and a written program clock. The original first AT40 took nearly 12 hours to record, many thought it was a cheap shot on radio to take up from American Bandstand. But many of us believed in what Casey was doing.
I was lucky to have met albeit for a cheese Danish and a soda at a NAB convention, in 1973, I had been invited to go with a radio friend who got me in the business from KCPX and so there was the guy who made radio really rattle.
Much of the trends, and modes of pop 40 music came from AT40, and even Ryan Seacrest has to admit, even he does not do the show as Casey did it.
Originally, AT40 was produced by a syndicator in Hollywood, called Watermark, which got bought in the early 80’s. Under Watermark, there was several shows based on the AT40 American Country Countdown with Bob Kingsley and the Robert W Morgan Special of the week. Then Watermark tried to do a radio drama called Alien Worlds. Over time only AT40 survived the conglomerate take over. By the mid 80’s an outfit called WestWood One bought Watermark as well as much of NBC radio’s programs including Dr. Ruth’s Sexually Speaking, NBC’s TalkNet, amongst others. In the mid 1990’s an outfit which was a creation of Clear Channel, came to power as the Premier Radio Network, which took such programs as Coast to Coast AM and yes even AT40.
The first number one single of AT40 was a song then called Three Dog Night called Mama Told me not to come.
Casey wouldn’t have anything to do with Premier and tried a short lived run with a thing called the Top 20 Countdown.
Casey said it best on the last show he ever did, Success doesn’t come in a vacuum, your only as good as the people you work with, and the people you work for, Casey and a few of the rest of us , have been lucky to have worked for the best and with the very best, Casey was one of the best.
I’ll lead out of this on this remembrance of Casey, HazzardAyre by no means at least yet could be the icon or nor could I be the icon Casey and/or AT40 was. But as he did, it took three people, working together for a common goal, and believing in that goal. Casey believed in AT40, the RodeKnytes believes in HazzardAyre.
I know the angels in Heaven are being rocked by Casey and the Heavenly top 40.
Ryan Seacrest will be doing a special tribute to AT40 and Casey this weekend, we here at HazzardAyre will try to get it and rebroadcast it on our stream, on .
TTYL Casey, I know your among the icons.
As Casey put it many times, keep your feet on the ground but keep reaching for the stars.
Quote of the Day:
I’ll note you in my book of memory.
--William Shakespeare
Psalm 103:13“As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him;” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |
Longevity, is the key to HazzardAyre
As I got off the air last night and now get ready to head for bed and our station goes off air allowing the engineers to do their thing, I got to thinking of how many outfits in both TV and just broadcasting have went off the air, merged, or compromised their programming. Then I got to thinking, look at us here at Confederate Steele Media, the parent of HazzardAyre Radio.
Do you realize that where we are today just in the realm of things began in earnest in 1989? Do you realize that since then I have seen TNN, turn to Spike, I have seen a bright and shinning channel (that we inspired by the way) called SpeedVision, that turned to SpeedTV get gobbled up by FoX Sports, I have seen radio hosts, radio shows go by satellite if they stayed on the air at all, and yet even those that hate us, don’t want to assign a female model talent to us, but do you realize, from Highway Hooker Radio(Radio for us who toew) to SpeedWrench Radio, that ignited SpeedVision/SpeedTV, to Dixie Diesel to AyreWolf TV and Radio, to us now at HazzardAyre Radio that we are still on the air, still delivering radio and TV content and programs, still making money, and still owned by us who started it.
If one of those other programs came calling to Utah or Idaho and posted a open talent call, there would’ve been lines around three city blocks. Yet we post an open talent call and get duds. We get no repeat phone calls, and even from Vickie at TMG wont call. Yet for all that’s honest, we are the only ones of any gearhead based TV and or radio still on air. Still broadcasting and still retaining advertising money as well as content.
Fortunately no body has came to the door wanting to buy us, (yet) but in short we aren’t for sale , I’ll repeat, WE AREN”T FOR SALE at ANY PRICE. Since the birth of this network in 1989, and its prototypes from 1976 to 1983, none of our media firm has ever been for sale.
I can remember so all to real happenings, when one small Wyoming town named CokeVille thought the word Hooker meant street walker rather than a nickname made by OTR truckers over the CB for tow truck, I was held by the CokeVille PD at gun point. I should have sued, but thought better for it. But we thought we had a good location for the stations hub. I remember this casting director film creator named Julie that resided in Montana, that traveled down to CokeVille, met with me, and even took me to dinner in Montpelier. Thing was even she said then don’t quit there’s power in the wires.
She bowed out, I have thought this casting thing would be made easier if we had a woman doing it, something I have been trying to hire for 25 years, but hey, what do you do? Any mile from ground zero we have maintained our honesty, our integrity and our passion.
So for all those that think we are not worth their time, ask yourself, how many of those networks, stations, TV shows, advertising agencies and all that you vied to become part of even on a intern level wage, are still around? I can tell you NONE OF THEM. Who have you ignored , slammed the door on and did not stick with? HazzardAyre Radio and yes Confederate Steele Media.
Confederate Steele Media started as Southern Steele Media, and began in Bountiful Utah in 2005 . Here’s the goofiest part, Even at a part retirement part rent controlled place off the beaten path in Bountiful, at least some aspiring talent showed up. Of course many strange events have occurred since then, but here’s the thing, don’t anyone think there is something solid, more over safe, with dealing and going to an audition for a media firm that has been around for 37 years?
Longevity speaks volumes, and Longevity is key to HazzardAyre.
Quote of the Day:
All good books are alike in that they are truer than if they had really happened.
--Ernest Hemingway
Psalm 103:13“As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him;” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |
Sunday, June 15, 2014
That was a fast departure and to think I spent a full day waiting and not eating
Well it looks like we lost another talent, which if it wasn’t expected, I’d be really upset, but its just par for the course.
I spent all day Saturday waiting for our new applicant, not taking time to go eat or going to the shop to work on my trucks, nope I stayed right here.
By the time she showed up it was a quick meet and greet and she was gone. Glad I didn’t book anything or I’d have egg on my face again.
Somewhere in this state of several hundred thousand, there’s got to be a open minded lady of a maturity level age, that wants to make $200.00 minimum , with a base pay of $1,000.00 a month retainer. So far though its turning up zilch. Makes one think I’m in Tweaker Flatts.
Except at least in Tweaker Flatts at least most new applicants at least came , dressed for the part and at least got through a full interview.
The difference between there and here and now, I have the full checkbook in my hands, its no longer going through a second party like club treasurer.
But its Kat’s loss. Like I said eventually , hopefully before the summer ends, there'll be a gal who can look past the church or usual blinders and pose with a truck , in front of the console like this>and take a snap shot, to enhance the website. Actually I’m thinking of using some old pics just for that purpose.
The thing that bothers me is, I spent all damn day Saturday, waiting, calling, waiting for Kat, when I could have been working on my trucks or for that matter producing the show.
If Kat is an aspiring model, and if she stands others up like she did us, considering we’re more than just amateur's , she’ll be blackballed by every production company in the region and and even nation. Hell I didn’t even get to go to Dee’s for the cheese soup. Ya’ll have to try that to understand, that stuff is Gooood.
So I wrote her an adios letter and will get in touch with some others that I’ve been keeping on hold.
Quote of the Day:
If you aren't living on the edge, then you are taking up too much space.
Psalm 103:13“As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him;” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |
Two words, two people different but the same Personality LIVE radio is not dead
Say what you will success is proof , but lets go a bit deeper.
We have explored the tow words TOE>and TOW>
two different words that mean two different things, spelled different yet sound the same.
In radio there are two of us that are not afraid of the establishment. Long before he was even in the business, I was pushing edgy radio in the rural area of Idaho. Taking cues from both Robert Smith>and Dr. Demento>
while on the east coast mainly Washington DC there was a nearly unknown named Howard Stern.
Both of us were doing comedic bits on air, talking on subjects that few dared and the mainline media.
I look back on my radio career and think if only had I remained in one of the top 50 radio markets that being Salt Lake City, maybe my show would have progressed faster.
The idea of not just shock jock is not new. The delivery however is what makes the difference and an open minded audience. That said I can look back on what now is branded HazzardAyre Radio.
First we started as a pirate station in 1976. Progressed to a licensed station in 1983 and became the terror of the highway and airwaves . It was in 1987 I went on a trade run to SEMA in Las Vegas. Going through St. George Utah, I saw a name nailed on a small shop across from a gas station that read Dixie Diesel service & towing. In 1989 after my small VW Rabbit diesel got sick, I thought what about a full service light duty diesel shop that was aimed at performance diesels? Seemed a natural progression for the Hazzard County Garage, as we were known . But thought was I did not want to just copy, but that little sign kept hitting me in my mind. So after a bunch of legal wrangling, we reopened the shop in 1990 as The Dixie Diesel Shop. With side saddle Dixie Towing. By 1994 it was decided by higher powers than I, to relocate to Utah. By this time, Jan and I had broken up, and just building hot rods was getting boring. So I thought what about a custom only shop for big trucks and a full force performance diesel shop. This is long before there was ever a Bullydog or PDI, we were building diesels that had muscle and some real personality, that’s another story.
So There I was and needed some PR for the Dixie Diesel thing. So I was doing a tow run to Price Utah, heard a late night show on small KOAL, AM there called the Interstate Radio Network. They also were running the Overdrive Top Ten Countdown and Overdrive Truckers News.
While OTR trucker radio had always been the core of the station and all, we decided a new idea was needed.
So in a very short period of time, we premiered Dixie Diesel Radio in Utah in 1995. We kicked so much rear end we had made enough money that we bought the ITRN, and ran OTTC as well as OTN.
The rest of that is history.
After several attempts and with much of similar ideas, Howard Stern made a movie, about his career, something that made many in the industry think, it was little more than a 2-1/2 hour promotion infomercial that people paid money to see.
Dixie Diesel was doing trucker radio in the style of Hazzard County, but a move was in the clouds.
In 2000, after several jumps around south western Idaho, I once again came to Utah. I sat on the edge of a runway, looked at aircraft, and just before I had made my mind up to move back to Utah, found 4 F4U Corsairs in Jerome Idaho. So I stayed in Idaho for 6 months, and thought a radio show on military aircraft and that aircraft’s history. This was long before Warbird Radio, this ran until mid year 2009.
Going back to the days of Long Haul Radio the predecessor of Dixie Diesel, I had the idea of having a female co anchor. Nobody else thought of doing it, and we opened the door.
Now that all said, in mid year 2009 the team came together. Erin, who looked like and is a nurse by trade who we called Nurse GoodBody(HeeHaw vintage } ours much nicer>
but what to call the new show?
In 2010 while taking a long hiatus it came to me, one night, take AyreWolf and Hazzard County scrunch the words together like we did TOE and TOW to make TOEW, and HazzardAyre was conceived. By late 2012 HazzardAyre was rating number 1 to only slipping to number 2 in three states. Finally here in 2014 HazzardAyre is now streaming across America on the web at but the battle is not over. Publicity is required, so we have not only advertising in the works with such stunning gals as Kat, but also our movie which will be a combination of the history of the club for which the station was created to begin with, but also the show and my radio career.
True Live radio is not dead , just takes the right person in the driver seat. Now if we just can find the gal to be my co-anchor.
Quote of the Day:
Many people take no care of their money till they come nearly to the end of it, and others do just the same with their time.
Psalm 103:13“As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him;” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |
Fathers day remembering a true patriot, my Dad
So overnight I was in pain, no Goody’s, Wal-Mart of course closed, and I kept having strange dreams.
I don’t always give any attention to dreams, some are of course premonitions , but most are just thoughts that manifest themselves stronger when we’re asleep.
So finally I get up, at 11:00 and go to the computer.
Two of my kids my daughter and my son, sent Happy Fathers Day, two didn’t but so it goes.
So taking a drive last night I looked over our old house on Spurlock in Layton, and started thinking about my own Father.
Oh I always gave total respect to my Dad. I remember the off handed things like taking a military helicopter to land in a canyon one year while he was supposed to be on TDY, to give me a small transistor radio for my birthday, or the many things that if SECNAV or THE USAF knew about it, would have made my Dad’s career take a nose dive. The many learning efforts, gifts and all my Dad made sure that I was allowed to explore would make most young people pee with envy.
Like that one science fair when I was in 6th grade, of delivering to me a working Lunar Module for display at my exhibit , when I was building one out of freezer boxes. The risks of getting the simulator was one thing, having a USAF truck and two Airmen deliver it , off base to a civilian grade school was another.
When Dad finally retired from military service he did so as one of a very few 4 star Generals in the military both USMC/USAF, under joint commands. We moved to Idaho. Life for me changed and I was not really one that was inline with assimilation with the slow , laid back, take your time rural lifestyle.
When some of the so called genius’ in our area thought I needed to be studied and abused me, it was my Dad that went into action. When those in Twin Falls refused to listen to reason, Dad had no problem in going to some people higher in that food chain, and making sure the lower tadpoles paid attention.
My Dad was one of being thrifty to a fault. Although it might count for the small empire we had. It was my Dad that partnered with Jay Call to form Flying J, it was my Dad that donated millions of dollars to the Hazzard Fire Department to construct a new firehouse, and establish a quick response unit, mainly because I was interested in that, then. It was my Dad that introduced me to the world of flight, and it was my Dad that even though the USMC denied me entry, because of a small physical condition, Dad contacted some of his friends in places I can’t talk about, but I was accepted rather promptly.
Sadly these days, I reflect on all the good things, and a few of the bad ones, and I’m sad to say much of the foundation was squandered by my Cousin Bud , to fill his greedy pocket, yet we keep getting told there is financial recovery coming, by the time I see it, most of it will be eaten up by attorneys fees.
These days, my Dad rests in the cemetery in Grace Idaho, and I’m sure without a doubt, my Dad is standing at attention with his rifle, in Marine Blues, at Gods gates.
My dad, a real Patriot.
Quote of the Day:
I detest the man who hides on thing in the depths of his heart and speaks forth another.
Proverbs 23:24“The father of a righteous child has great joy; a man who fathers a wise son rejoices in him.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |
Saturday, June 14, 2014
Stardom is not out of the reach for those that truly want it
While stardom is not for everybody those who really , and I mean really want it, are willing to brave the risks, pay their dues and do whatever menial tasks to get a foot in the door.
I remember at age 12, I heard radio. I played music, I wanted my music on the radio, so I got into being an on air personality. Back then we were called Disc Jockeys, simply because we spun records vinyl, to be exact. But being in a studio would not come immediately. I had to clean the rest room, yes the toilet, take out the trash and go out to that freezing little building to take transmitter readings. Soon I started doing stats at high school sports events, basketball, football. That was a gas since cheerleaders and drill team girls were more apt to come closer to a radio jock than to some of the other nerds sitting on the crappy benches.
Soon after I began doing other unimportant I thought tasks like making the morning java for the wake up man, but soon, I was gave an overnight shift, on weekends. I liked it and have been there ever since.
I’d drive 300 miles one way to do music artist interviews, like I did for Barbra Mandrell when she came to the UofU Events center. I got to meet her dad, and her band.
Sometimes you just have to take a risk. Not everyone in media or the business of entertainment lives in mansions, drives limos and is in an office. There are times no matter gender, you go to the house, and brave the situation. Most people can judge if there’s a real security safety risk, or if its just a meeting at a home/office/studio. I know all too many artists who do work at their homes. Either for convenience or lack of something better or both. Or needing a reason to be in something better.
Granted this is not the 1970’s or 80’s. Strange things happen, between guy and gals in lone homes. One or the other can get grabby, or other stranger situations can occur.
But if its understood that everybody keeps their clothes on, and its in the front room, where the control board is at, it’s a sign of trust when a talent will step in and be willing to get on air, or work through a scene or write scripts. After all if there is a point of travel say going to an event say NAB, SEMA, or preytell Sturgis, although your staying in your own room at the event, if you can’t trust each other and can’t get along in transit, your going to have problems.
Not everything is purrfect at all times. But if you can work together and get comfortable with each other, its much easier later on.
The simple fact is while it looks to be all glitter and glamour, there’s a lot of sweaty work to be done long before the spotlight goes on.
Dancers know this. Just because the real production number or show is all illuminated with colors and all, there’s weeks of rehearsal, sweaty, dirty, dusty practice work that goes into the final production.
Examples are all over the place. Singers, have weeks if not months in the studio, working with producers, not always in a big place downtown, but in small studios in private homes. A lot of soda drinking, running down lyrics, moves, and mixing. It is a matter of trust, so newer talent just wanting to step into the business, need to understand that just because there’s little glitter, does not mean there isn’t gold. You have to step in , try it out if it works it works. If not you settle up, and cast someone else.
There is a shrinking amount of talent in Hollywood , those who do become stars are the ones who tasted it, want it, and are willing to do most anything to get it. The days, thankfully of of the casting couch are gone, but aside from that there are people who want to see themselves on that stage, on that magazine cover, on that TV ad, and on that TV show. They want to play the Oprey, they want to see themselves there, and as I just said are willing to take the risks, take out the trash, clean the toilet, and do what it takes to get there.
I did, and I would not trade any of it for anything.
Stardom is not out of reach , you just have to really want it.
Quote of the Day:
All my life, I always wanted to be somebody. Now I see that I should have been more specific.
--Jane Wagner
Philippians 3:20“But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ,” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |